Good luck to the East Ham Queens Market musical fish monger Muhammad Shahid Nazir and his bid to become Christmas Number One in the charts.
Check out this report from The Independent "the One Pound Fish man (£1 Fish Man) Muhammad Shahid Nazir is also set to take on the ITV giants with his new re-vamped single (see above). He's got odds of 33/1 at the moment, and William Hill spokesman Rupert Adams said:
To put that in perspective, he is twice as likely as Justin Bieber to take the top spot and four times as likely as Sir Cliff Richard.”.
Your Robin Wales wanted to bulldoze the market. He does n't have much a vision. Why can't they turn it into an 'affordable' Borough Market.
When you hear tax inspector (and other groups) been called to investigate market traders, it just shows the mentality of the council.
Labour should be ashamed of it self. Both locally and nationaly.
You can't see the tax evasion of Google, but you want to make sure some penny market traders are paying their taxes.
How many of those shops in Westfield are not paying their taxes.
In this country, you do well if you are poor or super-rich.
Hi anon
I suspect that you have had too much xmas cheer!
Labour wants everyone to pay their fair share of taxes and the next Labour Government will on this and other issues act very differently than the last.
Labour wants everyone to pay a fair share of tax????
Where is your evidence?. Why are so many multinationals paying so little tax???? Starbuck, Amazon, eBay, Google, Vodaphone etc...
It seems Gordon Brown was a sleep when running the economy. He did n't see the banking crisis coming, he did n't see the multi-national evading tax, he kept printing the money....
The Government has treated SME unfairly. The multi-national must pay tax. SME are due a massive tax refund.
Hi anon
I agree to a point and I believe the next Labour Government will impose greater regulation and supervision of the Banks and make sure that multinationals pay their fair share of tax.
All those who can ought to pay more to bring down the appalling levels of income inequality in this country. Which is the single greatest social evil we face.
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