On 25 June 2008 we published a posting, by Andy Newman, entitled “J’accuse! — the Dreyfus Affair”.
This posting included a copy of a letter Mr George Galloway MP had sent to the RT Hon Jacqui Smith the Home Secretary, identifying Inspector Christopher Dreyfus as an agent provocateur at an anti-war demonstration in Parliament Square on 15 June 2008.
Mr Galloway said that he had observed Inspector Dreyfus commit various crimes, including incitement to violence, attempted assault on a police officer and several serious public order offences. He called upon the Home Secretary to conduct an inquiry into Inspector Dreyfus’ behaviour. Our posting called upon readers to comment on Mr Galloway’s letter. We made clear that Inspector Dreyfus denied the allegations.
We understand that, as a result of Mr Galloway’s letter, the matter has been comprehensively investigated by the British Transport Police and the Metropolitan Police, and that their findings have been reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service.
The investigations did not substantiate Ms Whittaker-Khan’s story or the allegations in Mr Galloway’s letter. The CPS has confirmed that there is no case to answer.
We now accept that Christopher Dreyfus was not present at the demonstration and did not engage in any of the criminal behaviour referred to in Ms Whittaker-Khan’s story or Mr Galloway’s letter.
We apologize to him for the damage caused to his reputation.
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Harry’s Place has the full details on how seriously weird this story is – I thought at the time that the alternative universe that Galloway lives in must be cracking up. To make such an accusation against a high profile Gay Police officer with a Jewish sounding name without any “proof” was just bonkers. The Police Officer denies being at the demo. The only “evidence” was a "Mail On Sunday" (for crying out loud) journalist who thought a violent protester was this Transport Police inspector she had met previously at a party in Bedford. Didn't anyone have the wit to think about how historically loaded the name "Dreyfus" is or google his full name beforehand? A secret Policeman or what!
Now Socialist Unity and I don’t usually see eye to eye on many things but I hope that they are not being sued. They have apologised and perhaps that should be the end of the matter except not to trust the "Gorgeous One" in the future.
They all learn eventually.
Andy Newman has posted some good stuff re realism and trade unionism
its just a shame Galloways alternative universe and land of agent and spies in the movement was allowed to filter into Socialist unity site
which I think has been very non sectarian in its approach, even if recently targeted by the Socialist party,pedalling the new workers (not marxist)party. The Socialist Party whos web site gets few visitors.
Wonder if the Daily Mail will be printing an apology, too?
If anyone's feeling litigious, there's a lot more money in the Mail than in a socialist blog...
I have made an undertaking to Chris Dreyfuss's solicitors not to discuss this matter further.
But it would not contravene the terms of that agreement to say that they waived any claim to costs or damages, and are not proceeding with litigation.
Good news!
You know, after the Iranian man who was killed, that George makes up stories about gay men and criminal acts.
Why did you fall for it?
well done Andy
and keep up the sensible approach to trade union organisation
might not always agree
but youve been brave to be on the left and question the strikes at alll cost line
even when it is clear that members are not voting for it or actually going on strike
as with the recent teachers, local government and PCS strike in England
unlike recent RMT and refinary strikes
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