I should also add that around 100 local residents and UNISON members also turned up to support Debbie at the Barkantine Hall meeting.
It was definitely the most diverse panel of speakers I have ever spoke from - Local Labour MP and Minister, Jim Fitzpatrick, spoke first (see picture of Jim and Debbie sharing a joke just before start of meeting - behind bloke in purple). He offered solidarity with Debbie and recalled how stressful it had been for him when he was a fire brigade union steward and had been issued formal warnings over his trade union activities. It was worse for Debbie since she had lost her job. Jim attacked One Housing Group for failing to honour their promise of a local resident led housing association. Also that they were still failing to provide a decent housing service to residents. Jim questioned why elsewhere in Tower Hamlets, Housing associations could be resident led yet still offer an excellent service? What is going on with One Housing Group?
Tower Hamlets Conservative Councillor Tim Archer (and prospective Tory parliamentary candidate against Jim at next election) spoke next in support of Debbie and attacked One Housing Group for failing to deliver for residents and failing to honour their promises over governance.
Martin Young, who is a Barrister and former local Labour Councillor (and Chair of East End Homes Housing Association – but tonight he was appearing in only in his personal capacity) reminded the audience how important is was for ordinary working people to join a good trade union like UNISON.
I spoke next (UNISON RCO and on behalf of the Housing Association Branch) and pointed out that I had worked with Debbie for years and that I did not believe the allegations against her nor did anyone who knows her. I also reminded everyone that while individual local housing officers and residents don’t always see “eye to eye” on all things all the time. If Housing associations treat their staff unfairly then you can bet your bottom dollar they will treat their residents unfairly as well! We have a common interest.
Local resident and former Barkantine chair, Sarah Castro MBE, spoke how she had been forced out of chairing the local resident’s board and how important it was that resident representatives are democratically elected. I will declare an interest that I use to work with Sarah and I think she is an absolute star (Unison member of course – and our favourite Spanish translator for Cuban trade union visitors). What on earth is One Housing Group problem?
The final panel speaker was UNISON NEC member John McDermott who came down from Leeds to speak in support of Debbie. John is a housing worker in a Leeds ALMO and is having his own problems with his management. He was facing a gross misconduct hearing today (I don’t know what happened – I will update when I hear). I don’t agree politically with John at all, but he gave a very good speech in support of his trade union “sister” Debbie. While he was attacking One Housing group I was pleased to see Tory Cllr Tim Archer nodding his head in agreement to much of what he said.
Debbie herself was the last speaker. She gave a very simple and moving speech thanking everyone for attending and for their support.
There were then a number of positive contributions from the floor. Local resident after local resident pledged support for Debbie. UNISON members from Newham and Havering were present to offer solidarity as was the Tower Hamlets NUT and the local GP’s representatives.
I met a lot of people at the meeting that I hadn’t seen in years. Including Debbie’s daughter who I had last seen with her Mum on the picket lines as a 10 year old in the month long Tower Hamlets Housing strike of 1999.
Debbie’s appeal against dismissal is on March 19th and the Chair of tonights meeting, John McLoughlin, announced that they may be organising transport and refreshments to hold at the same time a traditionally East End Beano outside the One Housing head office in Chalk Farm in support of Debbie.
Now, with my captain sensible regional head on I’m not exactly sure that this will be in reality all that good an idea but it seemed to go down very well on the night.
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