Lyn was there with local councillors, the Finance director of Newham PCT Satjit Singh and a medical “health MOT” team. A number of local party members also attended to help out.
I had my usual extremely important role as deputy chief tea and coffee maker (and principal biscuit eater).
Local residents had been invited by Lyn to attend and discuss the health service provision in the area. Residents were shown to tables and while they were waiting were offered the chance to have height, weight, blood pressure and blood sugar "MOT" tests as well as lifestyle and diet advice.
Lyn with a note taker and Satjit went from table to table. Listening into the conversations it would appear that residents are generally content with PCT services (Primary Care Trust – Newham General Hospital etc) but some local Newham GPs' ears should have been burning. The majority of GPs were clearly (I thought) highly respected.
By coincidence an old friend Sue had turned up to support a local resident who had formed a new support group in Newham for those who had suffered bereavement. It sounds like a really valuable and important initiative which I will post on further when I get details. Her husband George was a good friend and comrade who died tragically in 2007. It is inspiring (but in character) that she has used her experiences to want to help others.
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