I forgot to subscribe to the Leftygirlblog RSS feed (now done). She does not blog all that often but when she does it is always pretty good stuff.
Today I had a look and I hope that some of my UNISON local government comrades will also take a punt and see what many in the Community and Voluntary Sector (CSV) think about proposed changes to UNISON structures (and about some - repeat some - of those who oppose fundamental change).
Even if one or two of the "usual suspects" now claims to have changed their ways! (hmm).
At the first of my Housing Association branch AGM's tonight in London it was clear that Leftygirl is not the only one frustrated by the present situation and the likely opposition to change.
While not quite totally sharing the pessimism about the prospect of any likely changes I am convinced that we either evolve or we will eventually die.
We desperately need to change and update UNISON structures in order to support and properly represent our members. Times have moved on.
Nice one John
well it went through the NEC today and the creation of the 'Community' service group was probably the most uncontroversial one.
thanks James - I'll believe it when it happens mind.
Thanks for the plug John - and good news about the decision today - next stop Conference!
Having read the report it clearly is about more than the creation of a Community group but about how power is shared in the union regardless of where you work and I guess some of those issues are the most controversial ones - so while I'll be most pleased about the CVS stuff - the overall framework of sharing power across all our members is even more important!
well said leftygirl!
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