Wednesday, February 25, 2009

“Housing - the hottest issue” - Nicky Gavron AM

UNISON Housing Association Branch Briefing.

Nicky spoke at our AGM last week and this is a copy of our press release.

Housing - the hottest issue” - Nicky Gavron AM

Nicky wants Boris to come clean over London Housing targets.

At last week’s AGM of UNISON Housing Association in the NUT HQ, Hamilton House, Guest speaker London Assembly member and Labour Housing spokesperson, Nicky Gavron, called on Mayor Boris Johnson to come clean about his 50,000 target for new affordable homes .

If Boris is determined to keep the 50,000 target he will only get anywhere near it by double-counting, smoke and mirrors and other creative means - not by significant numbers of new build or supply”.

Also at the meeting was UNISON National Housing officer Pete Challis who spoke on the “Housing Crisis” and warned that some financial institutions were classifying shared ownership loans as “Sub-Prime”.

The meeting was the last of 4 AGMs which had taken place across London to encourage participation of UNISON members (others took place at Family Mosaic, Notting Hill and East Thames Headquarters). Common key concerns expressed by members at these meetings were over health & safety of staff, funding for "Supporting People", job insecurity and below inflation pay rises.

Any further information please contact.

John Gray
UNISON HAB Communications Officer

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