I have known Debbie personally for at least 14 years in my trade union capacity and as a work colleague. I simply do not accept the allegations made against her and I am convinced she is being treated unfairly.
It is probably the most diverse panel of speakers that I have ever spoken at. Which I think indicators the breath

Even Chief Executives of other RSL’s are lining up to support Debbie.
There have been huge housing management and governance problems in “Island Homes” in the recent past. Sacking a junior supervisor (and a senior trade union rep as well as a respected community activist) seems completely unfair and disproportionate. This is the sort of thing that brings the wider sector into disrepute and explains why many have such poor opinions of the way certain RSLs are run.
RSL’s with good governance and a good housing management culture respect Residents and staff. They treat them fairly. They are the only ones that will survive and flourish in the long term.
My message to Island Homes is quite simply – please remember rule number one – if you are in a hole – Stop digging! Reinstate Debbie.
(Update - I've posted the reverse of the flyer as well)
What's she done?
upset senior management
That wasnt very intelligent of her then. Has she got a problem getting on with people?
Hi Anon
You probably wouldn’t understand something like this but sometimes in life you have to do the “right thing” regardless of consequences to you personally.
Oh I get it ..she's a martyr...what was the great cause and issue for which she stood up and lost her job. It must have been a very important issue.
Thanls for your support and see you Thursday
Debbie Cordrey
Hi Anon
Please get a life and just do something for others for a change.
Hi Debbie
Thank you for that - See you on Thursday!
What was the cause for which she lost her job? Its a simple enough question? Just trying to evaluate whether this was a common sense approach that she took?
Hi Anon
Check out my latest post on issues. Some stuff needs to be kept confidental.
I think most people with any workplace experience can imagine what happened.
No, I can't imagine what happened? Can you make it simple for me...what was the great cause for which she lost her job? Couldn't she work out what was happening and adjust her behaviour? I mean with all her experience and skill over the years representing people how did she manage to get into this hole?
They dug it for her you muppet, I hope one day you get the same Shit,But it only happens to the people who look out for others.. P,S Hi Debbie thank's for all your advice when i started at chrisp street they were good day's.
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