Saturday, March 14, 2009

UNISON United Left are seen as an “exclusive drinking club” while “Gloria is a Vote Winner”

I welcomed to the blogosphere a little while ago Lambeth UNISON Joint branch secretary (and free thinker), Nick Venedi. Nick has now published here what I think is an important post on the UNISON Trotskyite dominated faction, United Left. Nick has in the past been supported by United left in elections for union positions.

While he clearly supports the current UL slate in Thursday London UNISON AGM elections he thinks that “UL has failed to make the impact it needs to have made to ensure that they win an election”

The mistake the UL keeps making is that it does not appear or looks like a very inclusive product and is seen by some, who are involved with regional politics, as an exclusive drinking club” (shock horror)

The UL also underestimate how clever the current administration are and ignore the fact that Gloria is a vote winner and John Gray has an established following and is seen as someone who is not afraid to speak his mind...” (I couldn’t possibly comment).

While I disagree with some of the conclusions that Nick makes in this post I have always found him to be personally polite, considerate and thoughtful.

I would imagine that some of his UL “comrades” are “hopping, hopping mad” (to say the least) about his post. I would love to be a spy in the wall at the Lambeth UNISON office on Monday.

Keep up the good stuff Nick!


Anonymous said...

At last ! some sensible politics coming from lambeth,which on occasions resembles the 'boot camp' for lost and wayward students in left politics (Rogers included)
Nick was a respected member of the Regional Team for a number of years and does know what is best for the wider membership in London,and not just those Local Govt branches who are dominated by white middle aged men from the various Trotskyist factions. If the general debate on some blogs is anything to go by Nick has managed so far in keeping his branch together given the recent challenges from the Permenant Revolution and AWL student wing. In doing so he obviously protected Rogers carreer (who it should be said appears more than happy to appease and protect these political leaches) I am sure that the united left in unison are furious with Nick ,but are strangley quiet(for the first time I can remember ) None of them have responded to Nicks piece on his blog including Rogers et al. is this because the Regional AGM and NEC elections are so close that they are now ,like frightened rabbits caught in the headlights ?

Well done Nick,and all the best with your new blog,


Anonymous said...

Yes it is so true - maturity comes with growing older. I've had a look at Nick's Blog and it is refreshing to see some honest opinions for a change,in that murky world of British left politics. One thing puzzles me though ,why dosen't Nick openenley endorse Gloria Hanson and her team of doers ?


John Gray said...

Hi Graham
Good points – Rogers have now responded to Nicks post but has somehow forgotten about his abuse of anyone who he thinks disagrees with him? Complete and utter hypocrite or what?

Hi Brian
Interesting point. Why do folk who don’t politically agree with the ultra left trots support them? They know that most (not all) of the ultras consider them to be their “useful idiots”?

Anonymous said...

Usefull idiots !! willing fools is more to the point

Anonymous said...

Good to see Nick 'breaking cover'. I don't support his politics, but I think compared to the dishonesty of so many on the extreme left he is a breath of fresh air.

He's started his journey, we've all got to do our best to support his transition to fully sensible lefty.

Of course, he's been immensely helpful so far (wink, wink).

Anonymous said...

So Jon dennounced from all sides

Militant Lambeth have just issued a new leaflet complaining about him selling out, (again) ahead of regional council. Do united Left know

and now Nick (hes coming home) V well thought out views

Lets end the drinking club, white male mafia

Anonymous said...

So whos baby is it

Anonymous said...

how did a baby come into this? Is this some weird dancing baby from the USA? Or are we recruiting members from the cradle now with parental consent?