Monday, June 10, 2024

Labour Unions shout out for New Deal after telecanvass

This evening I joined trade union colleagues to take part in a telephone canvass session supporting union activists standing for Labour as MPs across the UK. I rang residents of Harrow East where UNISON Member @PrimeshPatel is standing while others rang for Katrina Murray who is standing for Scottish Labour in the Cumbernauld and Kirkintilloch Constituency. Other candidates were also being supported.

It was an interesting canvass with lots of phone numbers out of service since so many landlines have now been discontinued by people in favour of their mobiles, however, I had 14 contacts, which was not bad for 2 hours, the vast majority for Labour, even those who had previously voted Conservative. 

In general, residents were hugely dissatisfied with the government, who had been in power for the last 14 years and are not delivering a decent NHS, dealing effectively with crime or the cost of living crisis.  

They believe it is our turn to govern and they are willing to give Labour a chance to deliver for them. 

Let wait and see. Fingers crossed. 

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