Thursday, April 13, 2023

Greater London Seats on the UNISON National Executive Council (NEC)

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Eddie, Sonya, Abiola and Anu as your candidates for the 4 regional London seats in our NEC elections. They are great comrades and union organisers. I have been in many difficult meetings, debates and picket lines with them. They are enthusiastic, intelligent and pragmatic activists who will do their level best for members and put their interests first and foremost. 

We cannot continue to have our NEC controlled by those who have openly supported misogynistic bullies, who have tried to sack our elected General secretary and have so divided our union, that at our national conference last year a vote of no confidence in them was carried (yet they still did not resign).

If you are a UNISON member and in Greater London region you can vote for all 4 of them. Ballot papers will start to drop at members homes from next Monday 17 April. 

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