Tuesday, April 18, 2023

UNISON NEC elections 2023: Vote for your 4 London Candidates - Eddie, Sonya, Abiola & Anu

 Sonya Howard, Eddie Brand, Abiola Kusoro and Anu Prashar, for the Greater London Region NEC Seats.


The NEC is the most important national committee in UNISON, we nominated these candidates as we believe they are the right people for the job. They are all experienced reps, from introducing the first menopause policy in London, to fighting for LGBT+ rights, to getting over the industrial action threshold, to leading the London Ambulance Service strike and winning for members. 


We nominated Sonya, Eddie, Anu and Abiola because they will:


·         Put London UNISON members first, not factional politics. 

·         Work with our first woman General Secretary, Christina McAnea, to make UNISON the strongest union. 

·         Make sure every member gets high quality legal advice and representation when you need it most 

·         Fight discrimination and put equality at the heart of every decision

·         Tackle the Cost of Living Crisis- winning fair pay for all

 Eddie Brand

We’re proud to nominate @EddieBrand for @Unison NEC. Read why we
nominated him:

Eddie is an Emergency Medical Technician in @LAS working on the frontline
Eddie leads the biggest UNISON branch in London, taking them out on strike to win a pay
rise for all members in the NHS
He is experienced, has been on the NEC previously and will focus on winning for all members

Sonya Howard

We’re proud to nominate @nec_sonya for @Unison NEC. Read why we
nominated her
Sonya has worked in Local Government and as a Social Worker for thirty years
Sonya has a strong track record on equalities, negotiating the first menopause policy in
She is experience, has been on the NEC previously and work hard on behalf of all members

Anu Prashar

We’re proud to nominate @anuox for @Unison NEC. Read why we
nominated her
Anu is proud Local Government worker and Trading Standards officer
Anu is an equality campaigner, Chair of the Regional LGBT+ committee and represents Black Members on the national committee
She will make sure sure underrepresented voices are heard at at every level and keep
fighting for equality

 Abiola Kusoro

We’re proud to nominate @bkodunlami for @Unison NEC. Read why we
nominated her
Abiola works on the frontline caring for sick children at Great Ormond Street Hospital as
Catering staff
Abiola knows first hand the impact of the Cost of Living crisis on Women and the Black
She has been on the NEC previously, and will fight for all members to get a pay rise and for
those on the lowest pay to be a priority

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