Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Good and The Bad - UNISON Labour Link & Self Organisation

Excellent news yesterday about the UNISON National Labour Link committee elections.

"Congratulations to my UNISON friends and colleagues Linda Hobson and Sian Stockham on being elected as Chair and Vice Chair of the UNISON National Labour Link Committee.

 Especially happy to see Sian as one of the Wales NEC members flying the flag for Cymru/Wales.

As chair of UNISON Cymru/Wales Labour Link committee looking forward to working with both of you".

Hat tip Dan Beard.

However, today we find that the ultra left in UNISON NEC tried to destroy our members right to self organisation

"Felt very uncomfortable today by proposals by some on UNISON’s NEC, including a Vice President, that nominations made by our elected Self Organised Groups of who UNISON’s representatives on the TUC Women’s Committee and TUC Disabled Members Committee and the motions they agreed to submit to these conferences should be overturned by NEC.

I strongly argued against and said this was a very dangerous road to be going as it sounded like our Policy Committee knew what was good for women and disabled members rather than the women and disabled members themselves.

At the end it was agreed to remit for further discussion but if this is Time for Change I believe it is time for our members to challenge this change. The leading voice for Women, Disabled, Black and LGBTI+ members are those people themselves

Hat tip Gordon Mckay (former UNISON President and current NEC member). 

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