Ken had been in Newham all day and had already gone on a Housing enforcement visit with Council officers and Newham Mayor Robin Wales in the morning. He then had a briefing with local Councillors and a Q&A with students at Newham College, as well as a “walkabout” in Green Street.
With Ken was Assembly member Val Shawcross (who is standing for Deputy Mayor) local Assembly member John Biggs and Newham’s finest, GLA Candidate, Councillor Unmesh Desai (who is also East Ham Labour Party Agent).
Afterwards we went off to the Didsbury Centre in East Ham for the Newham “Tell Ken” event (sponsored by London UNISON Labour Link) which I will post upon soon.
Boris announced a council tax cut of £3!
Do you really think Boris is trying?
He is not interested in Mayor of London. He wants to go back to the Houses of Parliament and join the cabinet. He quit Henley when he became Mayor of London....
Hi anon
Could be? When he loses then he could then blame David Cameron?
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