We handed out leaflets produced by TULO that the "NHS is not safe" in the hands of Cameron and Clegg.
Colleagues in East Ham reported that people were reticent to accept this leaflet at first since it had Cameron's face on it!
Picture is of our local City and East GLA member, John Biggs, handing our leaflets in Stratford High Street. West Ham MP Lyn Brown was also out collecting signatures for the petition calling for the defence of the NHS. Today there was door knocking canvass teams out delivering the leaflets and asking residents to fill out the petition.
On Wednesday evening there will be a candle light vigil in Old Place Yard, outside the House of Commons from 9pm to 10.30pm.
Finally on the reverse of the TULO leaflet there is one of my favourite quotations "The NHS will last as long as there are folk with the faith to fight for it" Aneurin Bevan 1948.
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