UNISON National Officer, Mike Short, spoke first about how some employers (not all) are using the "cuts" as an excuse to attack their own workers while others are trying to invent "creative" reasons to evade their responsibilities under TUPE transfers. Not only are jobs, pay and conditions under threat but also even union rights to organise and defend their members. We need to campaign, regionally and nationally, against government policy with local community groups. Win the argument with the public that we are not to blame for the deficit.
Alison Seabeck is of course a politician but also a widely respected housing expert, unlike her floundering ministerial opponent. She spoke for 10 minutes then rushed off and voted against the (awful) Tory Coalition "Health and Social Care" Bill before coming back to continue. The single most interesting thing (amongst many) that she said, in response to a question about what a future Labour Government would do over housing, was once in power, the housing crisis could be simply so profoundly bad that "we may have to do something radical..." and similar to the what was done "after the Second World War" do deal with the crisis.
Bring on that Labour Government!
After the meeting, some of us went off to the Red Lion pub in Whitehall to continue to put the housing world to rights, where we met UNISON and TULO activists who had just come back from the candle vigil for the NHS. (Picture of Alison 5th from left)
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