Saturday, January 09, 2010

Wake up with a Boris fare hangover

Another good Bashing Boris leaflet over London fare increases.  See also here, here and here.


Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for Boris - I was reading this blog and it kept saying he would not get elected! Just like it said Brown would call an election and then he did'nt? but I am really satisfied with the job he is doing. He is a great mayor and I will vote for him next time. Ken was useless.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
Keeping reading the blog Chum - there is hope for you yet. One day you will see the light.

Obviously you have loads of money or you don't use TFL.

I do worry about your memory mind?

Anonymous said...

Conveniently forgetting Ken's rises are we? 25% in his first term and 20% in 2005. The big lie he told about not raising fares just before the 2008 election when emails proved he was planning the opposite?

Why do you let tribalism corrupt you so? there is good and bad in all parties but your approach is Labour is divine, Tories are bad. Liberals? Well, jury's out on that one I guess

John Gray said...

Hi Neil
Calling people liars isn't really on you know. I accept that this is what you generally think and do - which is a shame. But there you go.

We have on good authority that to forgive is divine not Labour. I'm not indulging in tribalism but I just think that Labour (warts and all) is just better than all the rest.

I know you are trying to dig me out about the Lib Dems but why not come out openly about it? It's been discussed before on this blog before by the Ultra Left so why not by the Ultra right?

Mike Law said...

Neil = Ultra right.

Here we go again!

Anonymous said...

Londonders still have a RIPOFF train fares on the London Underground. It is one of the most expensive in the world.

I seem to recall costs $1.15 in New York (thats about 60p to 80p).

What has 10 years of Labour done about it?

We are treated like second class citizens.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

You have choosen to side with such people. Which is your right of course.

Hi Anon

Blame Boris Boyo. He's in charge.

Mike Law said...

"Such people"

I wonder what you mean by that?

Neil is one of the most decent people I know.

However, if I thought he was wrong I wouldn't "side" with him; I'd tell him what I think. And I'm confident that he would accept my view regardless.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

I'll take your word for it.

Anonymous said...

Shame you dont mention that Travelcard prices and the GLA precept have both been frozen - bit selective aren't we?

Anonymous said...

Interestingly Boris' decision to get rid of the very accessible bendy buses has cost at least 30 million pounds( bearing in mind he also refused to sell them on to the newish west end mall) and increased pollution and congestion(as the number of double deckers has been increased to make up for the loss of capacity) -as well as making the buses far less user friendly. kat

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
The vast majority of prices have gone up significantly – especially for the poor such as the bus price rises. The GLA precept freeze has not stopped fare increases and has been at the expense of the slashing and burning of London public projects. IMO

Agreed Kit. They are not perfect but they allow vast numbers of Londoners to travel into work and back – they are cheap, reduce bus queues and pollution. Nice one Boris!

How's George?

Anonymous said...

Don't "the poor" also pay council tax"?

John Gray said...

Hi anon

Depends by what you mean as "poor"? Since we have Council tax benefit for those on low income and low savings.

Anonymous said...

I think you'll find you mentioned "the poor" before me John, so I'll let you define what that means. Perhaps you could comment on the increase in tfl's bus subsidies since 2000 and where you think the money for that has come from - probably not from those on council tax benefit methinks. In addition, 40% of bus users still pay nothing don't they?

John Gray said...

Hi anon

The elderly and disabled have TFL freedom passes...and the problem is...?

Anonymous said...

That in a time of severe recession, these benefits have continued but you don't acknowledge that fact anywhere!

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

We are still allowing very rich people to get away form paying their bit while the State subsidises (or pays for)their lifestyle.

So once again, the elderly and disabled have TFL freedom passes...and the problem is...?

Anonymous said...

The state is subsidising the rich? Really? and the problem is.....?