Sunday, January 24, 2010

Roding Valley Way

Only slightly off message. During the Christmas holidays I went for a walk along the “Roding Valley Way” in East London. There has been talk of a planned footpath alongside the river Roding for years. I came across some footpath signs during the summer and assumed that the path must have been built. I was a little concerned that I couldn’t find a proper map or route on “Google” but since the walk is mostly in Tory run Redbridge Council I didn’t really expect anything less. So a few weeks ago I decided to give it a try.

I joined the “route” via Wanstead Park walking first across the flats from Forest Gate, into the park, past “The Temple” then down to the river and the metal bridge going across towards Ilford. I followed the way markers going East along the south bank of the river. The way marks soon disappeared and I had to walk through a hole in a fence near the Redbridge roundabout. Go across the roundabout to rejoin the river on the other side. Walk past some pretty vibrant concrete “Graffiti Art” then follow the river also alongside the raised and very noisy A406 dual carriageway. Keep on following Roding Valley way marks. These then appeared to peter out and there are Roding Valley Parks signs but just keep on following the right hand side of the river. Tricky bit at Chigwell Road “Refuse and Recycling centre” but there is an alleyway you can follow to the left of the entrance to the centre (no signs) and you come back to the river. Then the Roding Valley way marks suddenly reappear. Follow them then cross another footbridge over the river and keep following signs to Roding Valley Underground station (the least used station in London!) to take the train back home. Or you could keep going east along the river. The walk in total only took about 3 hours.

This is not a picture postcard “pretty” or “peaceful” traditional country walk but if you live in London you could easily go to the Chilterns or the North Downs any weekend. This urban river walk is different and very beautiful in its own way. It is always rewarding for some reason to walk along flowing water, there are also loads of different birds, plants and trees about to stop, stand and stare. You are certainly aware of our industrial heritage from Victorian water treatment plants to huge gas storage tanks.

If you do this walk you will never be able to drive along that part of the A406 or the M11 again without thinking about what lies below.


Anonymous said...

Someone told me there is a nature reserve near Canning Town. I can't find it. Do you know how to get to it?.

Don't knock Redbridge, it might be Tory. But Redbridge is much nicer then Newham.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
There are lots of nice parts of Canning Town as there is in parts of Redbridge? So what is your game? Maybe just stop running down Canning Town?

I’m not knocking Redbridge but surely by definition its real problems are that it is being badly run by the Tories. QED I say!

Google "Roding Valley Way" and see if you can find a map or proper guide for Pete’s sake.

What on earth have they done with the way markers that disappear for most of the route?

Why do you have to climb through a hole in a fence to do the walk?

Mike Law said...

When I was on the Council Wales used to speak highly about the way Redbridge is run. Was he talking nonsense?

From what I understand, there are some interesting links between Newham and Redbridge.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

There was more Labour Cllrs in Redbridge then so obviously it was much better run than now.

Mike Law said...

My, how I'm going to enjoy watching how you perform under the Wales Mayoralty...

A few of your Labour colleagues have a great deal of faith in you, saying that, come the day, you'll stand up and be counted.

I think they're deluded.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

If and when I get the opportunity I will do what I think is right in all the circumstances. I’ve been an active trade union rep for nearly 20 years and I know I won’t please all the people all the time.

What I will not do if I lose the argument, is to sulk big time, take my ball away, and go off crying while looking for the nearest cliff to leap off.

Mike Law said...

I see, so you'll not be doing whst you here on this blog.

Good for you.

Anonymous said...

You are correct that the signage along the supposed 'Roding Valley Way' is appalling and some parts of it, such as the part going north from Romford Rd, can be near impassable when overgrown. Still I read they are consulting on improvements (I read the same in the 90s), so by the dawn of the next century...

But I wonder who is responsible for this - Tory Redbridge (although it was no better when it was Labour Redbridge, not so long ago) or the City of London which controls Epping Forest in which a lot of this route will lie?

I don't know but I do know it is completely wrong that this undemocratic authority (still with business votes), the City of London, controls public spaces miles from its boundaries (as it does elsewhere - e.g. Hampstead Heath). Epping Forest and other places should be moved to be under the control of the local authorities in which they are located.

And anonymous, if you think say Ilford Exchange is better than say Green Street; Valentines park better than say Thames Barrier Park or say the Kenneth More Theatre better than the Theatre Royal and Stratford Circus then you are a fool.

John Gray said...

Hi Southpawpunch

Welcome back!

I would agree with your comments about the City of London (mind you they have actually done a good job over the years) I think much of the route is managed by the Environmental Agency? The signage should be local authorities and most of it is in Redbridge.
BTW What’s happening with your blog?

Anonymous said...

I think maybe the Southpawpunch experiment will some come to end.

I reckon I have managed to completely discredit the ostensible Trotsykist take on the world by making the most ultraleft points this side of Left Communism (and showing their vast rightward shift from Bolshevism) whilst, at the same time, scoring many direct hits on the muddle-headed, shilly shallying of the useless Labour 'Left'(sic).

Besides my cheques, direct from Labour HQ (to ensure no credible enemies to their Left), are likely to stop after the election especially as I now have a lot of work to do as a Liberal Democrat candidate with a possibility of getting into parliament this time.

John Gray said...

Hi Southpawpunch

Thanks for the exclusive!
