Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Newham Young Labour Go Shopping: (for the elderly & vulnerable)

Winter woolly hats off to Newham Young Labour for offering a shopping service on Tuesdays and Saturdays for local residents who find it difficult to go food shopping during this bad weather.

Great idea, Great example, Great stuff, well done!  


Mike Law said...

Did they do this last year?

If not, wonder what the motive could be?

In any event, it is a good idea.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

This comment is a bit low even for you.

Mike Law said...

Come off it John, what would you be saying if the Tories had announced they were doing this?

It is a good idea, but you cannot deny that it's also a clever bit of electioneering.

Do you want me to remind you of all your "low" comments?

You're a hypocrite.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Nah, I wouldn't - that's the difference between you and me.

Mike Law said...

Yep, you're a hypocrite!

Ellie said...

I'm chair of newham young labour. We are doing this because we believe in social justice and caring communities, I guess that's cos we are naïve and not old and cynical :)

John Gray said...

Rock on Ellie!

(which probably ages me lots)

Mike Law said...


Good for you. I think it is highly commendable.

Did you do it last year?

Will you be mentioning it in your campaign material during the forthcoming local and national elections?

I'll ask you: If the Tories had announced this, what would your reaction have been?

I envy your naivety, and I hope you do not grow to be as cynical is I (although, if you’re a Labour member in Newham, I fear all hope is lost).

With regard to getting old, well none of us can do anything about that. Enjoy your youth while it is with you.

Ellie said...

Hey Mike,

No, we didn't do it last year because we are a new organisation that didn't exist last year (if anyone wants to join us visit our facebook group!)

We will be doing it next year, and the year after that, along with all our other amazing activities :)

It won't be in our materials because we wouldn't stoop that low, and luckily, in Newham the Labour Party has much bigger achievements to talk about.

Nice talking to you :) Night night

Tom said...

All very nice, but it's a bit close to charity.

I know I sound harsh, I do think this is a valuable pursuit, but this is meant to be politics...

John Gray said...

Hi Tom
Hang on now – is this worthwhile for YL volunteers or not? I seem to remember when I was a member of the YS (cough, cough years ago) that we would spend huge amounts of time organising (usually in planning meetings held in pubs) various socials, visits and the like? Was that “politics”?

Newham YL manages to organise a number of political events (anti-fascist work in Barking last Saturday), socials and such community minded activities.

The Party as a whole nationally would be in a much better place if it did similar stuff and demonstrated such community solidarity (I have no doubt informally it does – and activists have been helping out the vulnerable in the bad weather all over the place).

Good luck to Newham YL I say!

Anonymous said...

I have to chuckle at reading the reference to "community solidarity" from a supporter of the Labour party. What was it John Denham said today?

Mike Law said...


Like I stated, good for you and the rest of the Newham Labour Youth Movement. I do hope you keep it up.

The fact that you will not be “stooping that low” (I wouldn’t have said it was stooping low, but that’s your choice of words) by mentioning what you are doing in campaign literature is reassuring. It is good to know that the philosophy of self-aggrandisement hasn’t filtered down from the Labour Mayoralty to the next generation of Labour leadership.

Bill Turner said...

Hey John.

What a great idea!

Of course Labour Newham although with Labour Tower Hamlets provides free home care to residents anyway. Unlike Tory boroughs.

Is the other bloke sniping away at something like this a Party activist - he doesn't sound like one! What's wrong with charities anyway?

Right Grayee solidarity trip to Tower Hamlets from you in overdue. Get in touch.


John Gray said...

Hi Anon
Hmmm.. have you read (it’s a great thing to do you know) what Denham actually said?...and the problem is?

Hi Mike
You are in danager of being nice for a change!

Hi Bill
Yep beer and curry in brick lane long overdue.