Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You're better off with Labour!

Great new leaflet from retail trade union Usdaw aimed at students. (Double click)


nick venedi said...

Hello John,

I am as you know John a Labour party member/supporter however I am somewhat fed up with the party making the same mistakes all the time. The most irritating new itch comes from the obsession within the party (not the one I went to on Friday night in Clapham) to promote the likes of Miliband (there's 3 of them in circulation at the last count) I am afraid the foreigh Secretary version of the Milibands is as exciting as a banana left in the middle of the road in a backstreet in Bethnal Green. Are we slowly losing the PR war and throwing people in that will clearly not be electable? Can you talk to them please? I know Brown doesn't look good on Channel 4 first thing Monday morning but at least he doesn't look false? Will you talk to them John??

Nick Venedi

Charlie Marks said...

*cough* Tuition fees *cough*.

Mike Law said...

No you're not.

Mike Law said...

By the way, John, have you signed your copy of the council candidate's contract?

Anonymous said...

You're better off with Labour?

Is that some kind of sick joke?

John Gray said...

Hi Nick
Apologies for the delay in responding. I will pass on your views if possible – Miliband junior (I think? I get confused which one) did mention in his speech to UNISON Labour Link Forum that he sometimes switches on the radio in the morning and while listening to the headlines thinks “why on earth have we said/done that”.

Hi Charlie
Quite true – but on the whole, all things considered, in the round...there is of course “no alternative to the Labour Party” Nye Bevan.

Hi Mike
Yes we are...and yes of course I have – it’s a very good idea!

Hi Anon
Of course it isn’t. The vast majority of ordinary Brits are better off under Labour.