Sunday, August 16, 2009

“‘elf & safety gone mad” – leading by example and debunking the myths

Check out this website of UNISON members who are also Council Environmental Health Officers that are carrying out a 400 mile Polar challenge next year.

Their goal is “ to change the public definition of the phrase “health and safety gone mad” so that it is associated with an eccentric endeavour rather than a shorthand term of derision – underpinned by the serious message of ‘real’ health and safety”.

This is all great stuff and I wish them all the Best of British. These are Health & Safety professionals who are putting themselves potentially at risk in a dangerous environment for a good cause. By applying the basic principles of good safety management to their own expedition they are demonstrating what they preach - that you can take controlled risks in life - safely. You just need to properly assess the risks beforehand, consult and take appropriate control measures.


Charlie Marks said...

A 400 mile Polar challenge...

That's commitment!

Anonymous said...

They didn't get back home safely yet?