Monday, August 31, 2009

Forest Gate Labour News

The latest Forest Gate North Labour Party Newsletter from our indefatigable ward secretary (and Joint Chair of Newham Young Labour) Ellie.

Highlights:- the local leaflets we have been delivering on Council achievements such as the

..."Mayor’s Town Show and Playdays, free school
meals for all primary school children and freezing of the Council Tax....

...Next week Under the Stars will be taking place at Central Park from Thursday 3rd– Sunday 6th Sept. with fireworks and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on the last night...

...meeting with Lyn Brown MP on the 1st October, it should be very interesting as it will be just after Labour Party Conference....

...barbeque on Sunday September 13th with...
John Biggs AM, Mayor Robin Wales...


Anonymous said...

hmmm a barbecue with Robin Wales... yummy

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

an offer you can't refuse then!

Charlie Marks said...

John, you've wisely censored the email address but left the mobile number intact...

John Gray said...

Hi Charlie

Fair point - sorted

Anonymous said...

Newham Labour haven't delivered free school meals. The Government has used Newham as a pilot.

Like they have TORY-run Wolverhampton

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Nope - this is a Labour government (repeat, Labour) pilot but it is dependant on the local Council also making funding available.

If Wolverhampton is doing the same collective solutions to counter poverty then well done to them.

Charlie Marks said...

Anonymous - since Newham Labour back both the party in national government and at a local level, their claim has more validity than the Wolverhampton Tories - unless I missed the announcement by the parliamentary Tories that this scheme was worth piloting...