Thursday, February 16, 2023

ONEUNISON - Winning for all UNISON members & our public services.

"UNISON holds elections every two years for the National Executive Council. It’s an important body representing every region, nation, service group, Black members, young members and disabled members. Key decisions about what our union does are made by the NEC.

This year’s elections are your chance to vote for a new leadership team that will get on with the job, work in partnership with our elected General Secretary, positively promote our union and stay focused on winning for all UNISON members and our public services.

ONE UNISON is a group of UNISON activists who will campaign for candidates who promise to do that. There are lots of candidates in these elections, so we’ll make it easy for you to choose!

Check out this website and sign up for regular updates, articles and features. More info to follow.

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