Check out UNISON website on #HeartUNISON #HeartUnions week 13-19 Feb
Heart UNISON is part of Heart Unions Week, the TUC’s annual event to celebrate unions, to make sure everyone knows why we’re vital at work, and to encourage everyone to join one.The obvious link is today - "Valentine' Day (February 14) so it's a little tongue in cheek but this week is a time to remind members of the many vital benefits of being a trade union and to recruit non members.Remember that there is research that Union members tend to be better paid than non union members, have better terms and conditions and are also safer at work.
As a UNISON rep, one of the worse things, I have to do is to refuse requests from non trade union members who are in trouble and want advice or representation on employment issues.
In UNISON (and I believe all unions) you cannot get advice or representation on any issue that began before you became a member and for 4 weeks afterwards. It's it a bit like trying to get car insurance after you have crashed your car.
However, as vital and important as individual representation is, the most important benefit of trade union membership is the unions negotiating and bargaining with your employer on collective terms and conditions such as pay, sickness policy, annual leave and pensions.
The more people in the union, the better the deal the unions will be able to negotiate on your behalf.
Now is the time to recruit as workers can see other workers uniting together to take on their employers for more pay and to protect services.
In my employer this week we have organised meetings and surveys for non trade union members on crucial issues such as the annual Pay Claim, Protecting Pensions, Bullying and Violence at work.
Stewards are encouraged to speak to non members in their teams about the benefits of joining the unions. Remember also that the reason given most often by people on why they are not in a union is that they say they have never been asked to join a union.
Check out the resources and materials on the UNISON and TUC website and lets all #LoveUnions this week and every week.
Join UNISON here If you are unsure which union to join then check out this TUC site
The more people in the union, the better the deal the unions will be able to negotiate on your behalf.
Now is the time to recruit as workers can see other workers uniting together to take on their employers for more pay and to protect services.
In my employer this week we have organised meetings and surveys for non trade union members on crucial issues such as the annual Pay Claim, Protecting Pensions, Bullying and Violence at work.
Stewards are encouraged to speak to non members in their teams about the benefits of joining the unions. Remember also that the reason given most often by people on why they are not in a union is that they say they have never been asked to join a union.
Check out the resources and materials on the UNISON and TUC website and lets all #LoveUnions this week and every week.
Join UNISON here If you are unsure which union to join then check out this TUC site
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