Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Chesham & Little Missenden walk & history


A fantastic collage from last Sunday's 9 miles walk with Gill around Chesham and Little Missenden in the Chilterns. 

I want to concentrate on this blog more on the history and politics of the places we visit, rather than the beautiful scenery, which I can post photos on Facebook. 

The highlight of the walk was stopping off for a Cream Tea at the 1000 year old Church of John the Baptist in Little Missenden. The vicar gave us a guided tour of the marvellous medieval wall paintings in the church which had been covered up by the puritans. 

There was also a fascinating plaque in the church, remembering money left by the wealthy in the 18th century, to pay for a loaf of bread every Sunday to the 6 oldest parishioners who attended that service. 

Hopefully, noone will tell Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak about this traditional tory approach to poverty or it will give them ideas...

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