Monday, July 08, 2019

UNISON National Labour Link Forum 2019 - Day 2

Final morning of Forum (Saturday). The delegation had sat together for the formal meal the previous evening. There was another 9.30 start with the UNISON Labour Link Annual Report.

There was a lovely presentation by the Chair of Labour Party NEC, Wendy Nichols to Keith Birch, our National Labour Link officer, who is retiring from UNISON (and from the Labour Party NEC). Keith received a standing ovation from Forum for his 30 plus years of service to the union and the party.

Then we debated motions until just before lunchtime.

I was pleased with the number of speakers from Greater London region and that our two London motions were passed (Motion 7. Ambulance Workers Age of Retirement and motion 16. Trade union Freedom).

Another successful Labour Link forum which despite everything the Tories can throw at us shows that the Labour Movement in UNISON is still live and kicking.

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