Dear Colleagues
Strictly in my personal capacity I would request that you consider supporting the following candidates in these elections. Please pass on to any other branches you think may support us.
REGIONAL LABOUR LINK COMMITTEE Male Seats 5 votes (blue paper)
GRAY, John
NATIONAL LABOUR LINK FORUM Male seats 3 Votes (yellow paper)
NATIONAL LABOUR LINK FORUM Female Seats 5 Votes (pink paper)
ALASHIA, Sanchia
DAVIES, Doreen
HANSON, Gloria
LABOUR PARTY CONFERENCE 2012 General Seat 1 Vote (pink paper)
Many thanks please give me a ring if you have any queries. Ballot papers have to be back to Cally Thompson at Regional office by 12 noon Friday 16 March 2011. You can fax by 020 7535 2105.
Don't forget to sign up for London Labour Link forum by this Thursday 1 March (the Forum takes place the following Tuesday 6 March 4.30-6pm at the new UNISON centre). Later that day 6-8pm at the Centre there is a launch event on a campaign pack for Ken Livingston and the GLA candidates. Ken will be there to say a few words. This invite is for all activists.
John Gray
Strictly in my personal capacity I would request that you consider supporting the following candidates in these elections. Please pass on to any other branches you think may support us.
REGIONAL LABOUR LINK COMMITTEE Male Seats 5 votes (blue paper)
GRAY, John
NATIONAL LABOUR LINK FORUM Male seats 3 Votes (yellow paper)
NATIONAL LABOUR LINK FORUM Female Seats 5 Votes (pink paper)
ALASHIA, Sanchia
DAVIES, Doreen
HANSON, Gloria
LABOUR PARTY CONFERENCE 2012 General Seat 1 Vote (pink paper)
Many thanks please give me a ring if you have any queries. Ballot papers have to be back to Cally Thompson at Regional office by 12 noon Friday 16 March 2011. You can fax by 020 7535 2105.
Don't forget to sign up for London Labour Link forum by this Thursday 1 March (the Forum takes place the following Tuesday 6 March 4.30-6pm at the new UNISON centre). Later that day 6-8pm at the Centre there is a launch event on a campaign pack for Ken Livingston and the GLA candidates. Ken will be there to say a few words. This invite is for all activists.
John Gray
Hello John. Could you tell us a little more about why you're supporting these candidates? I'm a Branch Chair and don't know anything about the candidates, some of whom haven't submitted statements.
I came to your blog my searching on twitter for 'Labour Link'.
The unions should represent employees at the workplace.
When someone pays a union subscription, they pay for representation at work. None of their money should be squandered on the Labour party.
It is about their people were given a choice.
The unions should represent employees at the workplace.
When someone pays a union subscription, they pay for representation at work. None of their money should be squandered on the Labour party.
It is about their people were given a choice.
Hi Eleanargh
Here is our statement:_
"We are seeking election to represent the views of APF payers in the London Region on the Regional Labour Link Committee and at the National Labour Link Forum.
The Tory-led Coalition Government continues to drive through its plans to privatise our schools and NHS, and cut essential public services and jobs which hit the poor and the vulnerable hardest. We need to get all our members involved in the Labour Party at all levels, through affiliating to their local CLP and building links with local Councillors and MP’s to ensure that their views are heard and understood and that trade union issues are kept on the political agenda. We need to use our influence in the Labour Party to campaign for a real alternative to the coalition’s damaging cuts.
As active UNISON and Labour Party members we support the link we have with the Labour Party, and strongly believe in supporting the Party, but also in campaigning for or against change where it impacts on our members.
The recent statements made by the Labour Party leadership about public sector pay restraint and cuts have been very unwelcome and unhelpful. We believe the best way to respond is to be part of campaigns within the Party to reverse the leadership’s decision to back these damaging policies.
In less than 3 months Labour faces its biggest electoral challenge since the General Election – the London elections. We are proud of the role our union has played in the campaign to date, but we must do more in the last few essential weeks to get every UNISON member in London voting Labour. It’s time to get rid of Boris Johnson and Brian Coleman and return Ken Livingstone to City Hall and a Labour majority on the GLA". Sanchia put in a seperate statement (which is excellent!)
Hi anon 18.20
All unions have seperate politicial funds which members choose to pay into and choose to remain in.
You're right (parden the pun) anon it is all about choice.
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