Sunday, November 15, 2009

SWP Witch hunt II “I was expelled from the Socialist Workers Party today...…”

Check out this post from a now former member of the SWP, Alex Snowden, who yesterday was expelled after 17 years membership from the sect because of his support for the John Rees “Left Platform” within the SWP. Two other members of this faction have also been suspended. I helpfully posted previously on this here.

I do wonder of course who was the SWP thug that Alex complains had an “extremely hostile attitude to me and conducted discussion in an unpleasant and personalised manner” and “The situation was made worse in September when the individual most responsible for the personal vilification, and suppression of debate, was appointed full-time district organiser”. I think we should be told.

Of course Alex is as daft a brush to have been in the SWP for so long. He was only 14 when he joined which probably explains things. I will try and link this post to his site and ask comradely whether or not he wants any help in a “SWP Witch hunt defend the Three Campaign”. If so I’m his man...

Alex is of course is relatively very lucky – main picture is of an early SWP disputes committee leader dishing out punishment to those who oppose the CC.

Hat-tip thingy Tynesider


ModernityBlog said...

17 years in the SWP, poor fella.

Still this is the SWP way.

One day he'll see the funny side of it.

Matt said...

The SWP's new full-time organiser on Tyneside is our old friend Yunus Bakhsh. Say no more.

Mike Law said...


Purely out of interest, why did you use a doctored picture for this post?

John Gray said...

Hi Modernity

I know two Army officers who were members of the SWP in their "youth"!

Hi Matt

Yes, nuf said!

Hi Mike

What do you mean "doctored"? it was on google images so it must be true!

Anonymous said...

Is this picture to be considered funny? Is there any reason, any connection to the article, or does centrist socialism mean: sexism is ok? Not too much equality? You're a disgrace to socialism, insted of its self-acclaimed guardian.

John Gray said...

Grow up anon - its taken you near on 2 years to respond?

you lot haven't a clue about "Socialism".

Keep selling the crank newspapers :)