Tuesday, November 03, 2009

About “John’s Labour blog” – surely they don’t mean...?

A couple of dare I say rather cheeky posts about this fine blog.

Firstly a review in Politics.co.uk

This is a really nice local site - lively, informative and regularly updated. There is a real mixture of content on the site - from political commentary, to bulletin board-style announcements and national campaign videos. (so far so good)

It's not the most searingly well-written site but there's no mistaking its enthusiasm”. (Wot!)

Then the shock horror news here about the editor of Socialist Disunity - Andy Newman and his deep...dark secret:-

“...We all have guilty pleasures that we are slightly embarrassed to admit to. My dirty secret is that I regularly read John Gray’s blog”...

I actually don’t mind since Andy is one of the very few Ultra left bloggers to come across as a well rounded human being. He is probably the exception that proves the rule, despite being (IMO) a fully paid up member of the Lost Deposit Brigade.


Anonymous said...

I agree
Andy is a very rare thing on the left
and seems to have little time for Trot cults

Hes Broad front approach while as a Labour supporter I sometimes find difficult - he has a coherent line

much to the hatred of many on the ultra left

Good look to You John and Andy

lets keep the debate REAL
what ever the conclusions

ModernityBlog said...

7 out of 10 is not too bad :)