Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's The Sun Wot Lost it!

Hat-tip thingy the "other" John's blog


Anonymous said...

going same way as standard

thats why junior murdoch is putting so much effort into breaking up bbc

boycott the sun

wrong over Liverpool wrong over Brown's letter

ModernityBlog said...

Murdoch's a bit of a dick, he's talking about people paying for access to his rags.

No chance, not that he understands the nature of the web....

Anonymous said...

watch Murdoch attack freedom of the Blog etc

to curtail "free news"

especially content and news stories (sic)

Anonymous said...

Funny you made so little comment when the Sun was supporting labour?
Odd that eh?
Problem for Labour is actually the fact that whilst most of the cabinet were putting Porno movies on their expenses or forgeting to pay their council tax he was seriously shafting the economy. The average public sector salary is now 74 pounds per week above that of the average private sector worker - and the electorate are aware of this. Labour are going to be wiped out.

Anonymous said...

Sun apologises for misspelling name of soldier's mother on website

Pot-kettle etc,they really are vile.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon 00.11


Hi Modernity

One of the best thing about New Media is the demise of Mrdoch press.

Hi Anon 13.38


Hi Anon 17.10

Search the Sun on this blog and you will find that I have always been critical of the Sun and the rest of the tabloid trash.

Please don't copy the Sun and actually bother to reference your claim about public/private pay.

Damien McKee said...

What's your view on the news that Kelvin Mackenzie is leaving The Sun to join the Daily Mail instead ?

John Gray said...

Hi Damien

He should feel at home - from cesspit to sewer!