She will make an excellent Councillor. Seen left with Cllr Motin Uz-Zaman. By co-incidence I was in the same canvass team as Rachel in Mile End last month (see here).
This is from the Tower Hamlets Labour Party Web site
"The by-election was called after Labour Councillor Rupert Bawden resigned due to health reasons.
Speaking after her selection as the candidate, Rachael Saunders said: “I am honoured to be chosen to represent the Labour Party in the forthcoming by-election. Rupert was a first class councillor and will be a tough act to follow.”
She added: “There are some serious issues facing the residents of Mile End East. Crime and anti-social behaviour is an issue across the ward, there are areas where parking needs be sorted out, and residents on the British Street Estate have talked to me at length about some of the issues they have with the contractors carrying out the refurbishment of the estate. Residents need and deserve a committed councillor to work with them to tackle these issues.”
Rachael said: “There is clear blue water between the Conservative vision for Tower Hamlets, and what residents and Labour want. The Conservative Mayor for London is proposing to close Limehouse Police station; I will lead the fight against this Tory cut. Across London, Conservative Councillors are slashing grants for voluntary organisations; I will oppose this. Conservative councils charge for the telecare alarm service for pensioners; I strongly support the Labour council’s recent decision to provide this service free of charge.”
Printed by Tower Hamlets Labour Party. Promoted by Graham Taylor on behalf of Rachael Saunders, All at 349 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9RA.
If you can help out there are canvass teams out every week day evening - 6pm meet outside Mile End tube. Also there will be weekend canvassing. Call at the Labour Party campaign HQ at 349 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9RA or Call 020 7729 6682 if you can help at other times.
Rachael's a winner! Best of luck to her and the campaign. can socialise me anytime baby...Geddit!
Haha - except we all know Bawden resigned because he got very annoyed with the Labour Group!!
Phil Whittington
The review of the Limehouse Police Station was started under Livingstone and backed by John Biggs.
Hi Phil
How can anyone be annoyed by Tower Hamlets Labour group?
Hi Andrew
A review is one thing, implementing controversial proposals which penalise poorer areas is another
Labour have been spinning so many lies during this election.
They deserve to lose.
The candidate is a joke.
Hi anon
A note of dispair? Lovely stuff!
i think councillor rachel is a very nice person
but councillor motin ul zaman needs to be kicked out the whole reason they didn't get as much as votes as before was because of him
i am from the british estate community and alot of the folks there hate his guts because he lies alot and he's hated by all races
that's why most of my community voted for conservative and respect
Hi anon 7.5.10
I don't agree about Cllr Motin. Don't debase yourself with such silly comments. Attack the the ideas not the man. It just makes you look like a berk.
(and anon 26.5.10 - you know why you are deleted - rude berk)
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