From: David Webb
To: johndotmdotgrayatntlworlddotcom
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 6:08 AM
Subject: Link Exchange
I saw your website http://grayee.blogspot.com/ and have a simple proposal for link exchange. Your link will be placed on a related pr4 page inside our links section. Our homepage is currently pr5 (expected to be pr6). The site has huge traffic with an average of 240,000 unique visitors per month.
My link details are: Url: http://www.free-football.tv Title: free live footy Description: Tune in to watch live football online on your pc with instant access payments.
Should you decide to place our link, please reply to this email id with your own link details. We will add your link within 48 hours of receiving your email, exempting weekends.
I await your favorable response.
Now, I don’t take adverts (see “Buy a Blogger”) but I am curious about how this works. I emailed the site to see if they would mind if I blogged on this issue. I got this reply back.
Hi John,
Thanks for the email.Yeah your proposal would be great. Let me know when you make the post so I can have a read.
Is such “bartering” a way forward for blogs or is such requests just unwanted “spam”.
Of course the fact that I wouldn’t watch football even if it was free...
Got nothing better to write about at the moment? What about Blair's intervention with Bernie Ecclestone to exempt F1 from tobacco advertising ban - or mandelsons trips to his Billionaire Russian "friends" yacht - err just before he exemptd his company from EU duties. Or the impending Brown induced recession?
i think you it was the tory deregulation of the city which boris bur not dave supports has caused the recession
I think Labour 6 pont increase the polls may well be worth blogging about
or maybe how the Tories get their money from Belize via Tory Lord Ashcroft while the people live in poverty...whos trying to buy an election
Or Boris who has appointed a businress advisor who does not pay a penny in tax
Capitalism it doesnt work
oh and how many bank chief execs or directors have lost their jobs or bonus in this crisis
The fact is Browns done alright over this. But this is now slowly coming to an end and we have 19 month before we go for an election unless he calls one early.
Once this has settled Brown has to return to the mundane political routine of green papers on social housing, of trying to get the Tory swing voters on his side, and of course he is helped greatly by a Tory party shooting off it's mouth about the min wage or is this Labours new spin masters at work again, we will see.
But I think Labour polls will start to flop back once we see the real problems of Labour returning, the every day problems of a recession job loses and those magic 651,000 jobs that Labour says are available and nobody can bloody find
tory boy annon 1
has lost the plot
needs to lie down in a dark room
Osbourne (Lord Snooty)wasnt he my fag at Eaton
Tally Ho !
Yes in a crisis in capitalism what we need is a group of failed bankers to run the country
Mr Osbourne and Mr Cameron
This one is just a cynical attempt to game Google, possibly automated with details gathered from your blogger profile - I get lots of very similar messages in a lot of the sites I run at work.
The fact they mentions page rank (pr5) is the giveaway here. The more links they can get in, the more Google respects them, even if the links are paid/bartered/spam. If your linking page mentions terms around football (as they request), it will increase Google's likelihood of placing them high in search results for that term. They don't care so much about you and your audience not liking football (me neither, tho footiephobia tends to be a rather lonely position in unionism I guess), as the link is only really for Google's benefit.
Spammers are getting so much more devious - I'm glad i don't have the job of weeding out all the crud from Google's search algorithms :)
Hang on? Didn't we just have ten years of Labour? But someone else is to blame for all our problems...? Wake up and smell the coffee you peasant.
Hi Anon
This is my blog and I’ll blog what I want to.....(catchy eh?)
Hi Robert
You are getting sensible but you lost it at the end, still...
Hi Anon
Yes in a crisis in capitalism what we need is a group of failed bankers to run the country - Mr Osbourne and Mr Cameron
Hi John
Thanks for the advice – I think I’ll just delete future requests
Hi very cross Anon
Don’t you realise our time has come – unfettered free market capitalism has had it's day!
It actually is a way for blogs to promote themselves. One of the main ways.
I do it with my blog; of course, it's always easier to contact blogs that are on the same (or similar) niche topic.
Hi islamoblogger
I can't find your blog?
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