Oh dear, oh dear.. never mind he will get over it eventually.
He feels like he has been “Savaged by a dead sheep”?
Good to see Denis Healey being quoted approvingly I suppose.
I of course much prefer this image (left).
My own personal blog. UNISON NEC member for Housing Associations & Charities, HA Convenor, London Regional Council Officer & Chair of its Labour Link Committee. Newham Cllr for West Ham Ward, Vice Chair of Local Authority Pension Fund Forum, Pension trustee, Housing & Safety Practitioner. Centre left and proud member of Labour movement family. Strictly no trolls please. Promoted by Luke Place on behalf of J.Gray, Newham Labour Group, St Luke’s Community Centre, E16 1HS.
Hi John, I must say your looking well , Is that you on the right looking all sheepish.
try growing up
You're doing a grand job John.
And if the losers are getting upset, you are doing it grander than ever!
they dont like it um up
Operation Icepick
comrades take aim
Andrew is clearly welsh.
why do they oppose the black leadership in the region
i never really understood
because its not Trot ??
so much for trying to represent our black membership
they would prefer to have all white male middle aged as long as they could vote for strikes, label the leadership as sell outs and sell a few papers
weve had this Trot excuse for far to long
we need a representative leadership yes including Greens, Liberals, Labour, Communists and even yes evenTories and Trots
but they just want one shade of colour and one shade of politics
anon so how would that be achieved when we (quite rightly imho) have reserved seats and fair representation in our Union? Do I oppose our Regional leadership because of their race? No. The attempt to equate such opposition to racism (inferred or direct in an earlier anon post possibly from yourself elsewhere)is shameful. What of other equalities groups such as LGBT or people with disabilties being reprenteted also? (But then I am probably more aware of the latter two and the issues they raise being both)
Still hurting them John
thats why your Blog was voted top trade union blog
Let them wither
Shouldn't that be 'witter'?
Anon who sent a comment at 13:52 today I have deleted your comment (reluctantly – I don’t like censoring) but don’t start guessing who made anon comments without any evidence. I don’t know but am pretty sure you are wrong in any case. You can resubmit the rest (factually incorrect UUL sour grape whining of course) if you want.
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