The electorate is clearly very volatile. It was after all not that long ago that I posted “Success in Ealing & Sedgefield”. I don’t believe that the political make up of the nation has changed radically right wing in such a short period. What I do believe is that it is more to do with the Clinton argument that “it’s the economy, stupid”. I’ve just received notification that my monthly direct debit for gas and electricity has gone up by £20, I never used to think twice about the cost of filling up with diesel, now I watch with horrified fascination how the £’s symbols on the fuel pumps spin faster than the litres. Bread and milk does cost more and the local off-licence has now finally increased the cost of 6 cans of 5% lager from £5 to £5.50.
If you had a slight panic earlier this year about the safety of your salary or savings if your bank went bust and now also believe (wrongly in the vast majority of cases) that you are paying more income tax this year, then you can see some powerful reasons why people deserted Labour for bright shiny New Tories.
While I think we need more policies like “fairness for agency workers” that will attract and mobilise our core vote, I don’t think that there is any evidence that moving significantly to “the Left” is the answer. Not least, because it is the centre that decides elections and power in this country. It just doesn’t make any sense to say that people vote Tory because Labour isn’t lefty enough. Others may point to 1945 and 1979 as examples of where Political Parties adopted radical politics and won elections. In 1945 following 6 years of collectivisation and total war, a free health service, secondary education and nationalisation was “centre” politics. While Thatcher in the 1979 election did not portray herself, in any way, as any sort of radical conservative.
It is the economy that will save us or bury us. This means there is room for optimism despite the gloom. There are two schools of thought: one, either the economic fundamentals are in good shape, the economy will survive the downturn and the commodity/energy price hike is a speculative bubble and will soon collapse. Or two, we will move into recession.
Talking of 1979, on Thursday evening I went to a “meeting” and bought a badge for 50p from a dear comrade. The badge logo said “Don’t blame me I Voted Labour”. I remember going to a TUC unemployment march organised in Liverpool in 1980 helping to carry a banner saying the same thing. At the time male unemployment levels in my part of Wales was about 30%. I was actually too young to have voted in the election, but never mind. One of the things I do remember is how confident many of my fellow marchers were that Thatcher was only going to be a one hit wonder and obviously Labour would get in next time. Some prediction that one turned out to be...
The “New Labour Coalition” may well be faltering, battered and bruised but it is not dead. There is still everything to play for. Surely for no other reason, than the price of failure is just too much to bear.
(Poster of famous musical hall star Marie Lloyd singing “Oh Mr Porter” – click on link and you can hear a version of the song!)
You mean the change of name from labour to Tory, I doubt anyone would know the difference.
Hi Anon
Wrong – if you are sick, in poverty, young, old, unemployed, disabled or otherwise vulnerable then there is a world of difference.
This party is dead. JOHN.No its resting. Look my lad i know a dead party when i see one and i'm looking at one right now. JOHN. No,no its resting,its stuned. Look my lad i've had enough of this,this party is deceased,demised,passed on,this party is no more.its ceased to be,its expired and gone to meet its maker,this is a late party,its a stiff,it rests in peace,its run down the curtain and joined the chior invisible,this is an ex-party.
Blimey....even you finally recognise that the economy is in serious difficulty. So much for the iron chancellor...with the IMF warning the Govt that they need to put up interest rates - what a mess...and when they went there the cupbord was bare!
No more boom nor bust!! - err no its just the current economic conditions that left the UK with the highest levels of debt and borrowing of any country in the developed world...nothing to do with lucky Gordon and his Government of all the talents! You are in for a total wipe out at the next election...I hope Gordon and labour hang on though for the full two years so that its clear who bogged it all up.
the badges are going like hotcakes :)
I may have to commission some more lol
Hi Anon
“This party is dead. JOHN.No its resting. Look my....”
You have stolen my thunder! I was going to do the dead parrot sketch over diss-respect/Left list! Never mind.
“Blimey....even you finally recognise that the...”
Come off it matey – look up to the stars not the gutter – Despite everything, check your history - Gordon and Labour are odds on to storm it 2010!
Hi Marsha
Hope you didn’t pay any commission!
We need to get Shagger Prescott back with that old bag from the foreign office with her snoring pills and curlers. Ok - so she claimed for a new Pergola and plants for her garden - I say this is money well spent! Ok they could instead have spent it on helping to fund children's Hospices, or help wounded ex servicemen - or pay for planes that don't blow up on refueling but lets get our priorities right shall we? Tony needs us to help pay for his Sky TV subscription - his wife was only earning a paltry 250K at the time (not including private speaking engagements!). Snout - trough - double standards - hypocrisy.
If you are sick, in poverty, young, old excatly does it help this group that this Governmentis led by people like Gordon claiming everything down to light bulbs, and food on his expenses - Blair for his TV subsciption, Prescott for mock tudor panelling on his house - and beckett for garden plants and a Pergola - what particular type of Socialism is this?
Tractor production is going through the roof!
Hi Anon 1 & 2 - I note you are being very selective about who you criticise over Parliamentary expenses (“double standards – hypocrisy” yes, indeed!). I don’t think that many MP’s from all the parties have come out of this particularly very well.
Especially the secrecy nonsense. I must admit if (and it’s a big if) the worse that people can throw against Margaret Becket is that she employed a gardener under the rules and declared it, then I think we have more serious issues to worry about.
Hi Anon 3
Thank you for your excellent news that tractor production is going through the roof!
John, you do get an awful lot of anonymous posts. Are they all the same person, i wonder?
All this "left" and "right" business is so much horseshit. It comes down to this: in the economic crisis will Labour act in the interest of the masses or the millionaires?
Hi Charlie
I am not sure about the “Anons” one of them seems to have an unhealthy interest on John Prescott’s love life! (UGH).
Yes, at the end of the day your test is important – but it is argued in a mixed economy that often the interests of the masses co-inside with that of the millionaires!
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