Thursday, May 22, 2008

$1,243,255 for 1 meal, 2 beers & 1 mineral water.

My cousin’s husband sent this scan of a café bill from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe in March of this year. Due to continued hyperinflation I hate to think what the price will be today.

It cost nearly 1.25 million Zimbabwe dollars for a snack.

Surely Mugabe’s horrible regime will not last. Never mind the morality of his quasi -fascist dictatorship, surely the economic incompetence and corruption of his government must surely mean that his end is nigh?

Previous posts here and here.

Fingers and toes.


Anonymous said...

Where is Peter Hain now? With his endless support of Mugabe and his ilk?

John Gray said...

Er yeah, anon, yeah

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that bill is actually for 1.25 BILLION dollars.

Anonymous said...

This Blog is consistently worse than reading the Guardian for grammatical errors. Piranah state etc?

Anonymous said...

This Blog is consistently worse than reading the Guardian for grammatical errors. Piranah state etc?

John Gray said...

Hi Anon 1
I don’t think it is $1.25 Billion? In March one US $ was worth 25 Million Zam $$1.html

Hi Anon 2
Yes, I’ll be the first to admit that I have never quite got the hang of this grammar thingy – I don’t actually think that it is that important when compared what is happening in Zimbabwe? But yes “must do better”. BTW - Ironically I assume you didn’t mean to send a duplicate comment either, also you have made these comments on the wrong post!!!

"To err is human, to forgive divine"

Anonymous said...

At least your cousin's husband was able to afford a meal, beer and mineral water at the Victorial Falls Hotel (and I have been there myself - a little piece of the colonial past, and very fine it was too). But unfortunately the reality for many Zimbabweans is that they cannot even buy maize meal and are going hungry. It is a dreadful tragedy and the regime of the Mugabe, who played such an important part in the country's liberation from its colonial past, continues to lead the country further into horror.

For a good insight into what is going on there are some brave Zimbabwean bloggers at

The most uplifting development in recent months was the solidarity shown with the Zimbabwean people by the dockers of Durban who refused to unload a shipment of arms bound for the regime.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon
Yes, despite there being genuine problems in our society we don’t really know how lucky we are.