Main picture is of the new banner for the UNISON Health Brigade (dedicated to the memory of John Kelly Chandler). On the left is Bromley Health branch secretary, Micky Crouch, and on right Deputy regional convener, Conroy Lawrence.
There were a number of important items on the agenda. However, I will concentrate on just two issues. The first was the prospect of national strike action over the 2008 local government pay offer. Recently there was a consultative ballot of the “final” offer by the employers of a below inflation and average earnings offer of 2.45% (3.3% for the most low paid). This is a sensitive issue and it is possible that we may have strike action in the near future. So, I will just say that sometime soon I will post some ideas on the future direction of the union with regard to such industrial action. We need to have a Plan B.
The second issue was the likelihood of the Labour Government and Labour Councils being re-elected in the next election. While I am largely indifferent to declared Trotskyite revolutionaries banging on about the ‘orrible quasi-fascist Labour government and how it deserves defeat.
I was somewhat “fed up” (to say the least) to hear a Labour Party member and UNISON NEC member openly rejoicing and gloating at the prospect of a Labour Party defeat at the next election (on the lines of “I told them so”) and looking “forward” to the prospect of rowing with a future Conservative government. He claimed that Labour had done “practically nothing” for working people while in power. Thankfully, apart from a couple of sneering acolytes, most were shocked at this out burst even if they were very critical of Labour.
Now, apart from the fact that this analysis is simply wrong and there is nothing inevitable about the prospect of a Tory victory and it is certainly nothing to celebrate. I think that such comments expose the banality of the extremist left with the Party. They would rather be in opposition than compromise “their politics”.
What is wrong with these people? Don’t they understand the difference that Labour has made to poor pensioners whose lives have been transformed by pension credits? How the minimum wage has put money in the pockets of the lowest paid. The huge amounts of money poured into Schools and hospitals. Yes, the government has made mistakes; yes they have not always been as bold and brave as we would have wanted. Yes, you have the right to criticise the government and work for change.
However, to dismiss everything that the Labour government has done and seemingly welcome future decades of divisive Tory misrule in council, assembly and government is simply and completely unforgivable.
very interesting post - I think there are always people for whom its easier to stand on sidelines saying 'you don't want to do it like that' in slightly Harry Enfield manner. I have some dismay at the Government and their apparent inability to find a way forward and a direction. However - have blogged about this - and the difficulties of the pay ballot elsewhere.....
Hello John,
I am a long time active trade unionist in the greater london region who has never aspired to the giddy heights you now popopulate as regional finance convenor. As anyone who knows me, I have represented and negotiated on behalf of UNISON members from prior to vesting day.
By the look of you, you look like a peer, I am 44, though the first time I became aware of you was when you were the victim of your then employer's attempt to sack you(Tower Hamlets a couple of years ago).
I am working class London born and bred and find it a little odd that you speak on my behalf.
I have had brief periods on facility time but have always put my efforts into working at the coal face.
I assume you might charactarise me as a trot or ultra left. Both members and management have found me effective and reasonable. I wonder if you could extend the same curtesy.
Hi Tom
Not sure we have met? You are absolutely right that we are age peers! Not sure that I agree that being a regional finance convenor is very “giddy”? but thanks for the thought. Pleased that you supported me over the discipline by a (long gone) Tower Hamlets manager’s who attempted to discipline (not sack?) me for being a trade union rep.
I am willing to work with anyone to progress the union. While I don’t think that I have ever claimed to speak on your behalf?
Usually I have actually worked quite well with all union activists regardless of political affiliations?
Tom, I am not bothered about your politics, I haven’t a clue whether you are a trot or not (nor am I that interested) rather I am concerned whether you advance or hinder the union and protect the membership. Nuf said.
John, I guess you were too busy to pay attention the whole time at the meeting. I certainly am not looking forward to a Conservative Government and believe that we should do all we can to avert the prospect of one.
This means standing up to the current Government whose unpopular policies are threatening this dire outcome. Support for the Iraq war was of course crucial in bringing us to this predicament (but I understand you thought the Government were correct about that?)
I have always been a loyal Labour Party member, loyal to the founding principles of our Party and the representation of the interests of working people. I understand if you feel the need to caricature my views because you struggle to criticise them.
In the mean time I look forward to your plan B (presumably you knew what it was when you voted against strike action on public sector pay at the Regional Council AGM?)
I am genuinely interested to know what you think the alternative is to a mixed campaign of industrial and political action to reverse the public sector pay freeze.
If, to quote leftygirl - and Harry Enfield - "we don't want to do it like this" what do we want to do? Please tell.
When will you reveal this?
Hi Jon
It would appear from your comments and post ( that we were at different meetings yesterday? I could have sworn it was you? Perhaps you have a doppelganger (God forbid there are two of you!).
Actually, I played careful attention (as we all do all the time of course) to your jaw dropping remarks and obvious relish at the prospect of Labour losing the next election. I actually think that in my post I was pretty direct with my criticisms of your position but of course you are entitled to point out how am I wrong. I note that you haven’t responded to my arguments.
You do have a point about revealing Plan B? Or C, D,E... for that matter. While I appreciate concepts such as leadership and duty are considered by some to be too “petty bourgeois “I don’t think that it is a good idea for elected activists to debate the strike at this stage, until after the industrial action committee makes up it’s mind whether there will be a strike ballot and if they will be making a recommendation or not. Perhaps I’m wrong.
But I can also throw this question right back – what if I am right? What is your plan B?
If there is a ballot and recommendation to support then we must try and put aside our differences to deliver for the union.
If not then as I think you are aware I am not usually slow or shy at expressing my views and opinions.
Good luck with the Ofsted strike. I am off to Cambridgeshire for a union meeting or I would have been there.
I would like to point out I too back up Jon’s recollection of the meeting. Its beyond a joke to be criticised for my Labour credentials when I have campaigned for labour in every general election since 1983 I didn’t run off to the Liberal Democrats. Its time to stand up to the remains of New Labour and demand a change in direction of the Labour party to re engage with working people. If we don’t do that then it will be the likes of you who will be reasonable for a Tory government not me or Jon.
The UNISON Website reports a "green light" for the industrial action ballot so presumably the Industrial Action Committee has already met and approved the ballot.
Of course, I hope that means that all local government members will buckle down to win a yes vote for action, but I don't think that should stop discussions about "Plan B" or whatever alternative strategies people have to offer.
Its clear that the option of doing nothing and accepting poor pay offers is not the right one. But I am not ruling out other tools apart from strike action if we think it can be more effective.
Its certainly true that tokenistic one-day strike action will not win a significant victory.
The problem I think, is that too often this debate is posed in the negative - ie. "strike action will not work" rather than posing positive alternative strategies that will win serious pay increases for our members.
In health, there is always such a discussion with, of course the particular concerns of not wishing to do any harm to the patients. I think it is time for us to talk about things like the COHSE action plan again. You can read more about that on our blog -
BTW, of course, I was not at the London Regional Committee yesterday and so cannot comment directly on what was said, but I've had many discussions with Jon Rogers over the years and have never heard him express any "relish" at the prospect of Labour losing any election. I'd be astonished if he did so now. Perhaps you were confusing being gleeful about something, with seeking to lay the blame for it at the right door.
Hi Andrew
I have not a clue why you think that I was referring to you in this post/comments? Actually, I thought for once you had your sensible head on during yesterday’s meeting. You actually expressed some thoughtful comments for a change. It is reassuring to see you revert to type. Did the comrades tell you off?
Come on Andrew – you know in your heart of hearts that this 1980’s millie nonsense is just rubbish. The extremist left will never, ever have any influence over the Party again. But thanks for your subs.
BTW - Interesting that your first election was 1983 “longest suicide note in history” manifesto etc. Is there any connection? I think we should be told.
Hi Kate
I heard today that the industrial action committee has approved the strike ballot and the union will be calling for a “Yes vote”.
So I will be encouraging my members to vote yes (if we are balloted which is anther problem).
Plan B will be put on hold for a while. I will bring this issue up again but not for now.
Perhaps you are right about the reasons for Jon being “gleeful” – I don’t think so. I think that he is never happier than when protesting rather than doing.
Personally I want to help change things in our imperfect world.
"I think that such comments expose the banality of the extremist left with the Party. They would rather be in opposition than compromise “their politics”"
I took that that to refer to me and no I most certainly was not told off. I recall saying that we need to fight at next party conference to change direction and not leave any campaign to change policy to the likes of Frank Fields.
Thanks for blaming me for the 1983 manifesto but unfortunately due to age discrimination I was not actually allowed to be a member so not me I am afraid. Although I seem to recall it wasn’t bad. It was people splitting of to the SDP that was responsible for the large defeat (sound familiar).
Hi John - I had to leave early at that meet yesterday but:
I was surprised to hear jon say that new labour had done nothing good as i too have an aged p who has benefited considerably in terms of her income as a pensioner entirely dependent on the state. I cannot say New labour has been a total wash out ( though it has gone down some very dangerous and very very questionable routes for which it should rightly be criticised) and although it has become more tory than the tories ever were, I still prefer having labour in power than new tory Cameron.
But Jon and others were right in that we need to get people voting for Labour and being realistic about the danger labour is in-perhaps it is part bread and circuses and part rediscovering some labour basics that have got lost in the media and in the party. No-one at that committee yesterday exhibited any relish for a conservative government.
On behaviour of attendees -I was somewhat taken aback by your silliness -loudly 'hohohoing' when someone spoke and then arguing with them over which Jo(h)n was being referred to when he was I think agreeing with something you said was not a standard of behaviour i expect from a lay Officer of the Region. We have a code of conduct - which I raised at the last committee meeting when an official was being snide to a member.We are not there to act like brats in a playground.I do expect better of you.Kat
Hi Andrew
Come to think about it.....
I remember voting Labour in 1983, and thinking about the manifesto and feeling physically sick at the prospect of another Tory government. Obviously you guys enjoy the prospect of Tory rule – I don’t.
Hi Kat
Hope you didn’t get my awful lergie from drinking from the same water bottle (I did warn you). Interesting that you do remember what Jon said even though he is now busy denying it (as are his brethren).
Sorry you did not appreciate my (very sincere) single bout of laughter and attempt at points of clarification. However, since you don’t mention it, I am surprised that you seem to think that the it is only ok for SWP/united Left morons to heckle and disrupt meanings?
I apologies if I was at all out of order (I don’t think I was) however, yes, we have a code of conduct but some people don’t think it applies at all to them. Unless I have got it wrong, neither do you think it applies to them?
Oh John don�t let the truth get in the way will you. Jon may have said the Labour Government has done nothing for working people and it often feels like that although there are some crumbs to take account of when analysing their record. What everyone so far agrees is that Jon was not being gleeful at a Tory victory in fact no one was. However you feel free to mix up the two points and distort what was said and happened I would not expect you to do anything else.
Hi Andrew
I do think that you ought to get your facts straight and show some consistency. You now appear to agree that my account is actually more accurate!
I suppose I shouldn’t really be bothered at all about what Jon says. But “done nothing” and your comments about “crumbs” does make me wonder what planet you lot actually live on?
The Labour government has made an absolute huge difference to millions of pensioners and low paid. To be very simple and basic about the matter they have far more money to live on than if a Tory government was in power. Yet you dismiss this as “crumbs”? I could understand (and even agree) you saying that not enough has been done.
Peter Hain (yet another ex-Lib you would say!) said something I think is really, really important
“choice in Britain is not between the Labour government, for all its imperfections, and the progressive government of your dreams, but between the Labour government and the right-wing government of your nightmares."
What is most striking about these comments is the fact that following Labours disasterous slump in the polls your infighting begins. There is no hope for you now. Hooray!
Hi Anon
Don’t get too excited. We’ve been infighting with this lot since before the current (temporary) slump in support and no doubt will continue to dig each other out when the polls improve.
Actually this is a union thingy – the extreme left nowadays have practically no hold whatsoever over the CLP’s. There are still some head bangers in London UNISON Labour Link but they have no influence at all. They are nuisance and make a lot of noise from time to time but that is it.
hmm headbanging something I used to do in my youth but my neck isnt up to it anymore sorry to dissapoint you John (Or Should I make it clear I mean John Grey before I get shouted at to?) Not sure I fit into the extreme left juat for supporting UNISON policies within the Labour party but if thats what it equates to then I plead guilty. Didnt stop me delivering hundreds of leaflets, stuffing equal numbers of envelopes making phone calls and genrally cajoling often reluctant Labour voters to the polls for the mayoral and assembly elections a couple of weeks ago. But then again if all that makes us is subs fodder then so be it.
Hi Sean
I thought you might be at the United Left AGM trotfest? Heckling and jeering like a good ‘un? No, sorry – of course, you only do that at Unison meetings.
You just don’t get it do you – if the Tories get in there will be NO Unison policies adopted by government.
I’m not sure why you are making a fuss about doing what is your duty and obligation as a Labour Party member and in particular as the LBH&F (I think) UNISON Labour link officer? Also, since you have done Party work why do you appear to think that it gives you any special rights or privileges?
Internecine fighting...this is the fallout from the realisation that your party are fighting to hang onto anything, and instead of reorgansing yyou fallout amongst one another like thieves..what a shallow bunch you will be the disloyal back stabbing and rejection of The Iron Chancellor! "No more boom nor bust!"
LBHF Labour link officer I think not since I don't work for them. As it happens I have never been Labour Link officer in Haringey which has either been occupied by others or vacant in the time I have been in the Branch. Jeering hmmm I'll leave that to you,special privilleges no the right not to be dismissed as subs fodder yes
See about the Tories top blogger
getting a criminal record and tagged
thats just not like the Tories
J Archer
Rich and Posh
Hi Anon
“Internecine fighting...”
I have already told one of “you lot” not to get over excited by all this. This is not an argument within the Party only the fringes. While there are many who want and will argue for significant changes in policies and the direction of the Party.
The tiny monority of extremists have been utterly defeated within the Party and this particular debate is actually a side issue.
The vast majority of Labour Party activists and supporters do not long for Tory rule. I think it will be a big mistake if anyone thought otherwise.
Hi Sean
Sorry, for some reason I thought you worked for H&F. I am actually relieved that you are not with your present habits a Labour Link Officer (no doubt this will encourage you to put yourself forward). Not sure what you mean about your “jeering”?
“subs fodder”? For what’s its worth, Sean, as a (voluntary) member of the Party you should support the Party “warts and all” and argue for change from within. What you should not do is align yourself with those who genuinely believe that we live in such a society that is so horrible it needs overthrowing and destroying. To that end they openly plot and plan with their fellow believers outside the Party to bring about revolution via syndicalism.
To amuse ourselves lets call the first lot Plan A and the second Plan B. If you believe in Plan B then you will be at best “subs fodder” for your entire life (or length of membership). The choice is yours.
That's it keep fighting - keep splitting hairs over meaningless crap...wipe out at Crewe next will leave you all scratching your heads and making out like you just can't understand why the electorate don't recognise the Government "of all the talents"!...then watch Brown clinging on by his bitten fingernails to the position he was never elected to.. the problem you have is the electorate realised you screwed up the economy and wasted the golden economic position you inherited. They are wise to the stealth taxes, ruined pensions, lies about the rate of inflation, dumbing down of schools...your wars, spin and your sleaze. Personally I hope Brown runs for the full term...the longer Labour stay the greater your wipeout at the next election.
Hi Anon
Don’t you worry, I am sure that come the election the Great British public will return a Labour government. It is perfectly normal for there to be “mid-term blues” especially when the government has had just a little bit of bad luck.
Providing the economy doesn’t go belly-up and I think it wouldn’t -
Events, dear boy, events will eventually swing in favour of Brown and it will be Cameron who will be on the ropes.
So lucky old you will have another decade or so of Labour rule!
You are grimmer up north for a more accurate assesment.
Hi Anon
Ah, the lovely Mayor Susan. I will not hear a word against grim since we met at conference last year ( Equally, I think she would the first to admit that many (the over whelming majority in my view) of Labour Party members and supporters to do not share her views.
Don’t by all means take my word for the matter – check out for yourself
John m'dear -I think the code of conduct applies to everyone attending the meeting -irrespective of their political provenance or regional loyalties. I recall that people who jumped on
the bandwagon you started with your behavior apologised to the Chair( who had to make comments about treating people with respect). I also note that you were amongst those who apologised.
Let us hope that all attendees -officials, officers and delegates - to that committee will seek to abide by the code. I do appreciate that tempers and pesonalities can get in the way of this but constructive resolution is always possible.kat
Hi Kat
Not sure at all what you are going on about? I could only assume that JR is having a go at you over you “grassing him up” over the Labour Party (well done!).
I would suggest lots of garlic and silver bullets to keep him in line.
BTW – how is George?
Quincy!Though if i do get another mog I may well call her george -or a variant.kat
Could you please sign my petition and pass it on? I worked for Liverpool City Council for over 20 years and had to resign due to Bullying and Oppressive behaviour by management. I have launched a campaign for a change in the law in relation to workplace bullying investigations. . When you complete the petition - it will email you a link which you have to click to actually have your name added to the list. Please do remember to check your spam folder if your email doesn't appear and make sure your name is on the list!
Hi Vicky (no relation I assume)
I've signed it. To be honest, not sure that this is best way forward? But you are right that we need to do something to tackle workplace bullying.
Good luck
No John (No relation, thanks for signing me petition). Something needs to be done about bullying. It's a subject that's been brushed under the carpet for far too long. Legislation needs to be introduced to cover all sections of all workforces in all industries.
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