I worked with Dula in St James (now alas closed) a couple of years ago. He has moved on and neither of us now work for the Council.
Dula had not only booked the very good Kaya Restaurant in Hanbury Street, E1 (just off Brick Lane) but had arranged delicious food and drink.
To everyone’s surprise he had also arranged as guest of honour, the deputy mayor of Tower Hamlets, (Labour) Councillor Ali, to attend as well as well as local MTV singing star “Fab”, who of course arrived in a Stretched limo. I have never been to a council staff reunion with a pop star. However, this is after all Tower Hamlets. Fab asked me not to post her photo since she is due to lauch a new single soon on MTV.
A good time was had by all even though existing staff in the Tower Hamlets Housing directorate are feeling just a bit bashed around recently. The Council is trying to transfer all its existing social housing to an ALMO. At least one current member of staff present was under notice of redundancy.
Picture above is of some of the people present (most good UNISON members of course). Dula is far left (not in the literal sense of the word of course).
It is a funny old world at times.
You thought this was a good night out? You need to get out more John.
I'd rather stand in the pouring rain at a bus stop on a Saturday night than spend it with a load of ex council Trot deadbeats.
Hi Anon
Come on now you are just plain jealous Dulal did not invite you and you did not meet “Fab”. You missed a really good night and I hope you didn’t get too wet at the bus stop tonight.
BTW – how can you be so hurtful – okay we don’t mind being called “ex-council” or even “deadbeats” (wrong of course but you are entitled to your view) but how can you possible call us real working class British Unison trade unionists - “Trots”. The shame... “the horror, the horror!”
Well Greysee just shows what you really are
You met a real live star and a free night WOW!
How is you time spent nowadays sucking up to housing choice and Circle Anglia.why not tell the truth about the corruption you know went on
How dare you comment about the ALMO and what the residents and staff of TH are HAVING TO ENDURE what have you ever cared go an grovel
Get back to your Lib Dem's buddies
bet you don't publish this w,,,,,
Hi W*****
It seems that the happy juices were flowing again last night!
...and it wasn’t free - we all paid for it!
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