The SWP are trying to seize control of this conference with their own delegates. They have been wreaking selection meetings up and down the country in order to do so.
George Galloway turned up at the Tower Hamlets meeting and spoke against the attempt of the mainly white middle class SWP members to take over their delegation even though the overwhelming majority of Respect members are not supporters of the SWP. The SWP Central Committee had even sent one of their chief thugs, Shaun Doherty, to try and intimidate people.
There appeared to be a good old row at the meeting. There was a vote at the end where George appeared to win by one vote. Interestingly he only had Bangladeshi supporters voting for his motion. However, the vote will be probably challenged by the SWP as unconstitutional. So watch this space.
As previously reported, Respect is disintegrating. It has always had tensions due to its inherent contradictions. How can you have a coalition of Stalinist opportunists (George & co), middle class toy town revolutionaries (SWP), extremist Muslim fundamentalists (Jamaatis) and naive but sincere anti-war New Labour refusniks.
The SWP of course, provide the experienced political foot soldiers and much of the dosh for Respect (although no doubt, knowing of George there will be other funding – we just need to check the taxi receipts). Incredibly they believe that Respect will be their vehicle of bringing about revolution (yeah).
The Respect Muslim business men who control the local communal politics power base (in East London and Birmingham) have told George that they do not support socialism, women’s equality or gay rights and that he will have to sort the SWP out or else he will not get their support to run as MP in the next general election.
Bloggers generally tend to believe that they are more important that they actually are – the average weekly local newspaper is read by far more people than any blog (I think?). However, the reporting of the self destruction of Respect is being led by blogs and other on-line reports.
The disintegration of respect was always inevitable but it will have been aided by all the “leaks” by all sides to political blogs. No other political faction that has faced problems in the past would have had to cope with letters, accounts and even minutes of controversial meetings being published widely “on-line”, sometimes within minutes of the meeting ending.
Roll on digital democracy. But the sting in the tail is that unfortunately George will survive the destruction of Respect – that is until Jim sorts him out at the next general election that is!
Picture is of the Gorgeous One with John “trot-meister” Rees and his misses Linsey German playing happy families before the fallout. Thanks to Colonel Roi.
Great picture - not recent I take it? But I never knew Sandi Toksvig was mixed up in all this!?!?
Hi Phil
Bit hard on Sandi aren't you? - she may be a tiny tot but she's no trot!
Wow. What a load of misinformed, uneducated, ignorant tosh. Regurgitated trash from the dregs of the micro-left "blogosphere". You really have exposed you utter ignorance here. Whatever your opinion on Respect and the SWP, the least you could do is find out some facts. You have even managed to do a disservice kiss-and-tell gossips and sectarian rumour-mongers you are trying to replicate.
Hi anon
I am very, very sorry that you have some reservations about my post. However, on the bright side of things, I hope you don’t mind if I use you comments as a “Blurb” for my blog? I’m sure that modesty prevents you from recognising how much your comments encourages people to check out John’s Labour blog but well done anyway!
I do note however, that you don’t actually point out what is factually wrong with my report and you don’t give us your name for some reason? Surely it was not you who sent out the email that night from Respect HQ about GG swearing? I think we should be told?
Ha. Facts? You aint got none. I'm not gonna indulge you by entering into a debate about the facts of this debate. This is an internal matter for Respect and the SWP. It's a sad demonstration of the level of degeneration of the Labour party that activists like yourself spend any time at all obsessing over and reproducing the vomit, lies and red-baiting of the pro-war "decents" and the Kremlinology of the micro-left loons. You clearly understand nothing of what write about. Perhaps you should focus on the much more significant collapse of you own party.
I think our SWP friends are a tad upset at teir big project going down in flames.
Still we can always read about it in an SWP publication at Bookmarks...unless they go bust ?!
watch this space
just how many student swp members can you get in a telephone box
Hi Anon
I assume therefore that you don’t mind me citing your comments about my blog. Many thanks for that.
I also understand that it is the now “official” that Respect has split into two (bloody splitters!). Any comments comrade?
I further understand that the Labour Party is doing pretty okay at the moment!
Sorry, when are you lot likely to be in power?
The LP is doing okay? Kinda depends what you mean by okay does't it? If you mean being in power, yeah, well done. If you are talking about policy, principle, politics and organisation, the Labour party is long dead. Britain has the biggest wealth gap for 40 years and inequality approaching Victorian levels. UK is officially regarded as a tax-haven by the WB. Trade Unionists fighting redundancies and pay cuts are being publicly shat on by Labour ministers. Corrupt selling of seats in parliament. And of course involvement in more wars than any other modern British government; 1.2million dead Iraqis; torture flights; arms deal corruption; support for terrorist regimes and outfits etc. Add to that lot a rabidly disintegrating membership and yeah the Labour party is in fine form comrade.
Hi Anon
Thanks for providing some facts to back your arguments. The problem is of course that they are all wrong!
I appreciate that the middle class phoneys who lead the SWP (unlike most of the wider membership) think bread and butter issues such as the minimum wage, more cash in pensioners pockets and purses, pouring money into hospitals and schools etc are beneath them. They want people to be poor, cold and hungry since they think this will lead to “REVOLUTION” (dream on comrades). Likewise the leadership of Respect enjoys cosying up to mass murderers, people who torture and kill trade unionists, anti-gay bigots and rich dictators.
Still, keep up the good work – you just don’t get how off putting your views and the way you express them, are to ordinary people. You make my job so much easier.
BTW – working now on my next update on the dissrespect shambles – bet you can’t wait!
"This is an internal matter for Respect and the SWP."
oh, the SWP haven't quite got the hang of this new fangled Internet thingie, politics is going to be debated more openly nowadays and not behind closed doors as it might have been 20 years ago.
John, more more more!
PS: good stuff on Burma
Thanks Modernity Blog.
Poor Trot, his (I think it’s a bloke) world must be collapsing around him, I could even began to feel sorry for him (not really).
Back to real world, I am also doing some more stuff on Burma – disinvest or engage? (we have to disinvest)
Your hostile attitude to Marxism and revolutionaries is nauseating, BUT I have to agree with you on the contradictions of the SWP's RESPECT project that you highlight:
It has always had tensions due to its inherent contradictions. How can you have a coalition of Stalinist opportunists (George & co), middle class toy town revolutionaries (SWP), extremist Muslim fundamentalists (Jamaatis) and naive but sincere anti-war New Labour refusniks. ... The Respect Muslim business men who control the local communal politics power base (in East London and Birmingham) have told George that they do not support socialism, women’s equality or gay rights and that he will have to sort the SWP out or else he will not get their support to run as MP in the next general election.
I just hope the SWP learns something positive from all this instead of just being perpetually in denial about the problems you raised and expelling its members who dare to think for themselves.
Hi Binh
Sorry you don't like some of my views on Marxism and Revolutionaries. But you are quite right that Respect was always going to end in tears. Didn't think it would be so operatic!
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