This is a great shame and he will be sadly missed,however, he is not ruling out returning as a UNISON activist if he gets a new job in public service. Gloria Hanson, the deputy convener (5th from right) will take his place until the next Regional Council AGM.
The Policy day itself I felt was very successful. Full time UNISON staff, lay Regional Council Officers and the Chair's/Vice Chairs of the regions lay committees meet up every year to discuss implementing UNISON objectives and priorities in the region. There were a series of presentations, work group discussions and an interesting speech by Bernell Bussue, the London Regional Secretary of our sister "trade union" the RCN. I must admit until now I hadn't really been aware of the implications of the new local government white paper or the Darzi Report. Threat or opportunity? Wait and see, the devil will be in the detail.
Interesting -and possibly an indication of how LG and health have been separated in the region.If you are in LG -and I know from your blog that you are no longer -then the darzi report was known and spoken of. What happens in health impacts in LG via Strategic partnerships -something I have certainly asked specialist Regional Officials about but been given the brush off.
I will miss Alan -for the activist he used to be - before he became Convenor -when he was one of us. It is a great sorrow that he lost his way. Perhaps he may rediscover his values again.
Hi Anon
Not exactly sure what your point is about LG & Health (I’m still in LG service group?). The point is that until the details are decided upon then no-one really knows. London UNISON appears to be lobbying effectively on the negotiations.
Bit patronising and pompous about Alan if you don’t mind me saying. I have no doubt that Alan would deal with such remarks in his usual way if you had the honesty to revile who you actually are.
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