It is really useful book published every 2 years. I would recommend it to all serious safety reps.
It cost £18 (£45 for non-TUC) to buy. Order here but check (and double check) with your branch beforehand that they will pay it. If you are doing a recognised TUC safety course the college may supply it cheaper.
Photo Hat tip thingy to the Hazards Magazine advert in the back of this years edition.
Maybe you should send a copy to yet another Labour hypocrite...Liam Byrne...former Minister for the Police...convicted today for using his mobile phone whilst driving his car. Or Jack Straw who didn't notice his driver was doing 103mph. Imagine if they had killed one of your relatives on the road?
Hi Anon
Not really sure what your point is to be honest. However, I suppose I would blame the person responsible rather the Political Party they happen to be a member of?
The point is the Labour Party hypocrisy...saying one thing and doing another...you know like Dianne Abbott sending her son to private school, or Tony Blair with his 5 million pound house and private tuition and fondness for mixing with Showbiz, Dennis Healey with his private healthcare. Two shaggs forgetting to pay his council tax, the list goes on and on. Hypocrites all. The saddest thing is that they are so mediocre...Margaret Beckett as the last Foreign secretary, with her curlers and snoring pills? Darling in the Treasury? What a bunch of uninspiring losers.
Come on Anon
Get a life. When was Dianne Abbott ever a Labour Party standard bearer! Please....TB, yeah there are a few bits and bobs he needs having a go at (excluding policies). However, I think on the whole, that one of the reasons why this Labour government has been so successful is that actually the vast majority are mostly very decent, hard working, well meaning, sincere and honourable folk (but flawed, not prefect – as we all are).
Blimey, bearing in mind that there has never been a third term Labour government you surely have got to admit that they are winners not losers.
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