In 1977 Brian Gordon was the Conservative candidate for the Burnt Oak by-election, he told a meeting of Edgware Conservatives that he wanted an end to immigration because he felt that Britain should not be the 'dustbin' of the world At the same time he has also been accused of calling for an electoral pact between Conservatives and the National Front to defeat Labour.
While we have our differences with the present Labour Government it is clear in my view that it is in the overwhelming "interest" of trade union members that a Labour government continues to govern and is re-elected. The Tories are in the lead in opinion polls, not so much because of Labour failings (and there has been a few) but because the Tories have suddenly decided that they don't like being in permanent opposition and want to return to power. To do this they are trying to publicly ditch their old policies with a young, articulate leader and capture the centre ground. Sounds familiar? However, it is still clear from policy statements that they want to introduce insurance in the NHS, dismantle public sector pensions, end national pay bargaining, compulsory privatise all Council services, cap the minimum wage, get rid of pension credit etc.
Thanks to Gweirdo and Hendon Times.
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