Thursday, January 14, 2010

London UNISON Regional Committee: Wednesday 13 January 2010

While I did wonder on the Tuesday evening what awful things I must have done in a previous life to put myself through such experiences. It turned out to be on the whole, thankfully, a pretty positive and constructive committee meeting!

The snow had caused some of usual suspects to be absent or arrive very late, but the forces of progress and light did have a clear majority at the committee so we were able to mostly concentrate on proper trade union issues and concerns.

Very good news about our recruitment in London with net growth and many new members taking advantage of joining UNISON online by direct debit 24/7 (join here). Encouraging stuff also about Service Group Liaison work; our oversubscribed Equality Rep courses; the Million Voices Campaign and campaigning against the Far Right.

There was the usual (IMO) incoherent carping from one that what we should be doing is demonising our members in East London who are proud to be British and who don’t support the Nazi - but that is just to be expected from the self-proclaimed experts of East London politics who don’t actually live there. We quickly moved on and I hope (in spite of past experience) that all true anti-fascists will unite against the BNP in Barking & Dagenham.

London Labour Link is encouraging local government branches to agree mini-Warwick type agreements with Council Labour Groups, building in as well the “Million Voices” campaign. There was a good discussion on the new “Honoraria and Expenses” briefing; and an update on the new Bargaining structures in UNISON.

There was a little bit of a bun fight over motions but I am intrigued at the open spilt over rule changes between some very close members of United Left.

My Finance Report was actually quite exciting for a change with a number of interesting and thoughtful comments and contributions. I was kept on my toes by Peter and Nick!

The meeting finished bang on time thanks to our top Chair and convenor Gloria Hanson. During AOB we agreed a message of support and £250 donation to the Sodexo strike in North Devon.

Walked out of room and thought...Cricky - what a good meeting! Roll on Regional Council AGM!


nick venedi said...

Agree John. It was a good meeting overall and I think people who disagree can work together.

John Gray said...

Hi Nick


I understand that there was a blue moon the other night?