Sunday, November 29, 2009

THE WAVE: Come together to Stop Climate Chaos

Take part in The Wave with UNISON
UNISON members taking part in the London demonstration are being asked to assemble at the UNISON stand in Upper Brook Street from 11am. The March gets underway at 12 noon from nearby Grosvenor Square. The March is being organised by Stop Climate Chaos. It is being called the Wave to symbolise rising sea levels associated with climate change, and the wave of public opinion in support of a deal to reduce the emissions that cause climate change. All marchers are being asked to where something blue!

The Co-op party and
SERA have approached UNISON about linking up to form a Labour family block – which seems like a sound idea. The chances of success are very much in the balance at Copenhagen. The March represents an opportunity to send a strong message from civil society organisations that we that we want world leaders to go the extra mile to secure meaningful targets on emissions reductions and the support that will be necessary for the developing world to adapt to climate change.

In addition to this, along with other trade unions and union confederations from around the world (including the ITUC and the PSI), we have been pushing for a specific clause to be included in the climate deal that will ensure a ‘just transition for the workforce’. These efforts have been rewarded. The UN's draft negotiating text for Copenhagen includes a commitment to ‘a just transition for the workforce that creates decent work and quality jobs.’ Whilst the ITUC / PSI delegations will be working hard to ensure that this clause remains in the final agreement at the talks, it is important that we raise the visibility of this vitally important component of the deal, as well as demonstrate the commitment of the Labour family to the broader package.

not very happy about wearing Blue? But when I was a kid I use to be a Everton supporter I suppose?)


Anonymous (Airport) said...

I am glad you put this flyer up. The resident's campaign group Fight the Flight - which is opposed to expansion of London City Airport will also be represented in the march.

So does that you mean you support anti-expansion at the airport?

Martin Tiedemann said...

We're suggesting we all wear a red hat or red scarf - got to keep warm too!

Anonymous (Airport) said...

So how can you hold two opposing views that the same time?. Support climate change and at the same time supporting expansion at London City Airport?

John Gray said...

Hi airport anon
The same way I support public ownership but I don’t seek to see Tesco nationalised (could do with better regulation mind - but that is another thing). In a real world you have to negotiate, bargain and compromise.

Personally I would rather see the world wide equitable taxation on aviation fuel as a key goal rather than pointless name calling and unthinking oppositionalism.

There again credit were credit due - you are getting better at arguing. Long, long way to go of course.

Are you sure you are not related to Mike Law?

Alan Ji said...

I don't quite see the alleged close link to our friendly neighbourhood airport. About half of carbon savings need to be made from buildings. That's investing to save future running costs as well.