Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ham Park Village Residents Group

This is a picture from last weeks inaugural meeting of a new Residents
Group in my ward that I helped out at as a  facilitator.
This photo image is my London. A local community coming together and working with their Council, the Police and Voluntary Groups to improve the locality.  This image is the real London and the other one of the recent ignorant selfish London mob is the false one.

Residents, the local Police Safer Neighbourhood team and CleanUp UK volunteers met up to discuss tough community problems and possible solutions.  Big and small. As an icebreaker everyone lined up from left to right, according to how long they had lived or served the local community.  The residents on the right of the picture had been amongst the first to move into the estate which was built by Newham Council specifically for young couples on their waiting lists to bring up families 37 years ago.

(Many thanks to the council community engagement officer, the West Ham SNT and CleanupUK for their help - and of course local resident and now Chair of Group Zac).

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