job cuts.
"(30/08/11) UNISON police staff members in Nottinghamshire are on a 24-hour strike against job losses, with a work to rule to follow.
The members include 999 control staff, PCSOs and detention staff.
Regional organiser Roger Young told the BBC: "It's not about the redundancies in themselves, it's about the way they're doing it.
"We feel that they're wasting resources and potentially identifying people to be made redundant who otherwise would not be so and they may have claims against the force."
General secretary Dave Prentis added: "“The union is full square behind members in Nottinghamshire Police Force taking action over job cuts and restructuring today.
"It is not only their livelihoods on the line – it is community safety."
So far, 170 staff jobs have been lost, while UNISON says a further 746 are at risk.
You can send a message of support to the branch by email: unison@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk or via Twitter: @unisonnottspol"
Check out BBC report here, UNISON press release here and Notts Police UNISON branch web site here. (picture from website)
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