Monday, February 01, 2010

UNISON Greater London Regional Council AGM 2010

This Wednesday (3rd February) the UNISON Greater London Regional Council AGM takes place. Around 250 delegates will be present representing 130,000 UNISON members. This is arguably the most important annual trade union meeting in London.

UNISON President Gerry Gallagher, Leader of the Labour Group on the Greater London Authority (GLA), Len Duvall and Kirsten Hearn who is an independent member of the MPA will be keynote speakers.

The Annual report will be tabled and I will also be presenting the Finance Report (and doing my best not to send everyone to sleep). Then there will be NEC reports emergency motions, rule amendments, ordinary motions and committee reports. The most importance business will be the election by secret ballot of Regional Council officers (the lay executive for London UNISON), the main Regional committee and sub-committees.

I am standing for re-election as Finance Convenor alongside the other “dream team” (as described by the opposition!) candidates: -

Gloria Hanson - Regional Convenor

Conroy Lawrence - Deputy Regional Convenor

John Gray - Regional Finance Convenor

Monica Hirst - Regional Equalities Convenor

Lynn Bentley - Regional Publicity Officer

Emma Rolland - Regional Young Members Convenor

There is usually a bit of a bun fight with disunited left during reports and motions but hopefully we can all have a good old debate and it is a successful AGM (by that I mean of course - we win).

I will post our “Slate” election statements next starting with Gloria. 

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