Friday, February 26, 2010

"I've never voted Tory before, but Labour wouldn't give me a safe seat"

Of course, everyone who has had the great pleasure of knowing former Labour Tower Hamlets Cllr “£100k pa thanks to Labour” & GP Anwara Ali (3rd from left next to the posh bloke who is looking distastefully at the shifty looking former SWP/disrespect turned Tory Cllr bloke) thinks she is  someone of utterly high political principals.

So it was such, such a surprise that Anwara has just defected to the Tories.  We would all never, ever, ever think even for a moment that such an utterly outrageous and base suggestion about the ward selection process being the reason is at all true :)

Hat tip thingy Dan McCurry.

UPDATE:  After all this poor old Anwara was heavily defeated by Labour in the election.  Irony of ironies is that if she had stayed in the Labour Party and fought the seat she was offered then she would still be a Councillor. 


Mike Law said...

This is funny...the irony is even funnier.

Comrade Newhamgrad said...

is that why mike despite being elected only because you were on a labour ticket you defected to another party but didn't resign and kept your allowances? very funny LOL.

Mike Law said...

Comrade Newhamgrad,

So, every time an elected member (council, MP etc) defects to Labour, you think they should resign and force a bye election?

A fair point I guess. I stayed on as a councillor because I had unfinished business, and I still continued to hold surgeries and follow through case work.

If you happen to be a Labour member, why don't you ask the 5 Labour councillors who get an extra £30K courtesy of the mayor, what they've done to earn that money? I've tried under FOI but just get fobbed off by the Town Hall. You'll have better access than me and as they are elected Labour representatives they should give you an answer.

Anonymous said...


step forward

Anonymous said...

.....just wonder which Tory Tower Hamlets Councillor is going to move over and give up their seat for the ambitious Cllr Ali ?

Will it be Archer, will it be Golds, or perhaps Briscoe ?

Hold on , maybe that opportunist Pickles should decide ?

He is party Chairman after all, --what are you saying Eric ?

But, ---hold on again ! Maybe I am being widely and grossly unfair here, --because maybe those Tory seats are not so safe after all......

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Mostly they tend to be GG disrespect supporters.

I've no doubt they IFE "members" are present in East London Tories and Lib Dems as well.

Anonymous said...

How much do you earn pa for your support for Labour?

John Gray said...
