Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vote Peter Daley – Putting London Members First

  • (Peter is standing as a Candidate for London in a UNISON Service Group Executive by-election. 90,000 members in London who work in Local Government and the voluntary sector will be receiving ballot papers over the next few days.

    Please vote for Peter and encourage your fellow UNISON members to do so)

    I have worked for Wandsworth Council most of my working life. I have been active in NALGO and UNISON throughout. I have been a steward, Branch Officer, Regional delegate, National delegate. In addition I continue to play a full role at Branch and Regional level and within the Regional Black Members and Disabled Members self-organised groups.

    Wandsworth was the first outsourcing privatising council in London. I have a great deal of experience dealing with market driven politicians and managers. I believe in public services being retained in the public sector. I also support UNISON in negotiating, organising and bargaining with private companies so we can protect, organise and represent our members where services are outsourced.

    I believe in:
    100% trade union membership
    Supporting the organising, training and recruitment initiatives to defend the union in this period of recession
    Putting members first so that your worries, concerns and your interests – over employment, equality, fairness, protection, wages, pensions – are placed first.
    Never take members for granted.
    Providing effective advice, support and protection for our members.
    Distancing ourselves from the MPs gravy train

    I am against those who want to use us as political footballs for any political party or organisation.

    London is facing awesome and frightening change: be in Boris Johnson’s ego-mania, or privatisation and outsourcing on an unimaginable and unprecedented scale.

    The old ways don’t work. Now is the time for change, for new leadership, for the assertion of your interests as the only real priority. Now is the time for unity of all our members. Now is the time to develop a real voice in London for supporting our national union.

    Please support me in the forthcoming service group election – Vote Peter Daley.

    Thank you.

Update: Check out this facebook group


ian said...

'The old ways don’t work. Now is the time for change, for new leadership, for the assertion of your interests as the only real priority. Now is the time for unity of all our members'

Im all for that John. We should have been arguing this in 1997.

John Gray said...

Good point Ian

But this should be seen in a London UNISON local government context.

Pete is the "new bloke on the block". If he gets elected (and I hope and expect he will) he will be a breath of fresh air for all of us.

Anonymous said...

shock horror swp stand another white candidate

boilermaker said...

I am against those who want to use us as political footballs for any political party or organisation.

Does that include the Labour Party?

Does he favour disaffiliation or is this deliberately misleading?

Anonymous said...

Irish not an oppressed minority in this country then!

unionfirst said...

"political footballs", he means the hard left who want to use our union to strike for revolution.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone point to case of oppresion of Irish in London in recent times ??????

Welsh maybe and that language related or just try being Asian at the moment

But being Irish in London is an advantage in most cases

have you not been to Paddys night

also never heard the swp make an issue of their Irish candidates

but given their witchhunt against SWP members at SOAS maybe we will see more of this

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat surprised at the last anon comment. It shows a level of patronising of the Irish community that is unbelievable. Its reference to "Paddys Day" is perhaps indicative of the posters view of Irish people. There are still many in society who hold and express anti Irish views using stereotypes relating to alcohol consumption, intellignece and suspiscion of their religous and political allegiances. Scrape beneath the surface of groups such as the English Defence League to see it. Or for that matter as I do stand on the average football crowd. Aside from this have a look at health outcomes for people of Irish descent.

This does not mean the Irish suffer more or less than other groups but is my honest view and epxerience as a 2nd eneration Irish person

Sean Fox

Anonymous said...

It seems the SWP cannot find people representative of the membership full stop.

Our members simply are not pro-violent revolution (people do get killed in revolutions, whatever the SWP say about that being a result of the counter-revolutionaries' actions).

The SWP view that trade unions are merely a vehicle for their propagandising to raise the consciousness of the class only betrays their narrow, and narrow-minded, interests.

What a shame that we still have to endure their lies, posturing and ranting, which is much the same as the BNP's behaviour in seeking to abuse democracy for their own vile ends.

unionfirst said...

sean it is wrong to suggest 2nd generation irish who are born and bred in london face similar discrimination to black or asian workers (or disabled or LGBT). The use of the word paddy is wrong and there is discrimination of native born irish but not of white londoners. nothing to what many young black men find everyday regardless of their accent or name. the fact that the swp in always putting up white candidates and being supported by others who should know better is very worrying and very wrong.

Anonymous said...

I believe in public services being retained in the public sector.

should have worked a bit harder when they put it all out in Wandsworth then!