Saturday, October 10, 2009

TPA director does not even pay any tax

We find out here and here that a director of the so-called Tax Payers Alliance (better known as the Higher Rate Taxpayers Avoidance Alliance) does not pay any British Tax. How can any group comment on crucial citizen issues such as levels of taxation when its director doesn’t even pay any?

Hat-tip thingy Col. Roi


Anonymous said...

tax payers alliance

we always said
it was the tax avoidance alliance

Anonymous said...

So you support Newham Council on blowing £6,000 on celebrities?

It was the TPA who found this out!

Newham residents have a tough time paying the Council Tax. Is it fair that the Newham Council blows £100m on waterfront Building 1000.

So why ask Arnie on how to cut a £70m deficit?