Tuesday, October 13, 2009

SWP Witch-Hunting Students

Editor Andy Newman of Socialist Disunity gleefully reports here on the latest SWP cull of dissenters “co-incidentally” just before the start of their conference.

This time students at the London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) who were apparently associating with “anti-party” elements have been suspended.

I better warn our secretary of my local Labour Party ward to watch out whom she is seen speaking to or they could be for the chop too!

Hat-tip thingy Col. Roi.


Mike Law said...

Don't know if it's still going on, but a variant of this tactic has been used in Newham Labour (especially on the Labour Group).

Nice use of a Matteson painting.

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

As if...

Anonymous said...

Intresting to know which side key UNISON SOAS SWP members will take

For against the witchhunt

Mike Law said...

Ask around...

John Gray said...

Hi Mike

Life in Newham Labour Party has always been sweetness and light - and always will be.

ModernityBlog said...

you have to laugh

Anonymous said...

Both local gov candidates for UNISON SGE election should answer if they favour the SWP witchunt at SOAS or not

No Witchunt