Monday, October 26, 2009

SWP splitters and wreakers?

I’ve just had to interrupt a break from blogging to comment on this Workers Weekly (WW) post that the deposed former SWP central committee (CC) member and General Secretary of disrespect John Rees has formed a political faction within the SWP called “The Left Platform”.

Hat tip thingy to Comrade Mecader who poses the question that does this mean that the other SWP Factions are called “The Right”? Considering the number of titled members of the English aristocracy who are leaders in the SWP then such a name would be very apt. See this post on the related bout of CC SWP internal witch-hunting

WW believes that this is the start of a split within the SWP and Rees with his Faction will eventually leave (or most probably forced out for heresy). Other interesting stuff in this report – the SWP CC members are in favour of debating with the BNP in the media and apparently they have the blooming cheek to refer to their estranged comrades in CPGB, Workers Power and AWL as “sects”(Oi! that's my job! also don’t they have mirrors in SW8?).

I spoke recently to a good comrade about rumours of a SWP split and he just shook his head and said “I’ve been active in the Left since I’ve been in school and this is just what happens time after time after time...”

Check out the AWL take here. Picture of John Rees in happier days in between his old mate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad´s Uncle and partner in crime “lockout” Lindsey German


Anonymous said...

for a new workers party

day one


Tom said...

If you all have to agree in public on whatever stupid collective decision you made, splits will always result.

Anonymous said...

I see you've split with Jon of the Rogerers on taking a break from blogging!

Anonymous said...

just seen poster in my local town for an organisation called SWP Rally (a splitlet)

the end is neigh

Anonymous said...

Your mate J M' who passes you stuff to blog have you ever thought he has his own axe to grind
silly man (your buddy) ha ha ha ha he would have to get permission from the cc for that.

Anonymous said...

Come on, who's this J M' chap? Name names!

Anonymous said...

You are all so self absorbed...fidling while the economy comes crashing down around our ears.

John Gray said...

Hi Anon

Sorry who do you mean by "JM"?

there´s a few... very Good and very bad...

Adam said...

Which members of the aristocracy are members of the SWP? or is this just rhetoric!

J Thomas said...

Seriously, that is sectarian nonsense. Members of the aristocracy? How silly. You'd the SWP were the cause of war, climate change & financial crisis....

John Gray said...